Chapter 17- Then Prove It

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So sorry for not updating :(

I have been really lazy lately...

Here's the new chapter<3

Hope you enjoy and vote!



I walked into the studio to see Ludmilla smiling and laughing as Tomas was right next to her.

I ignored them and tried to pay attention in class.

It went on like that for the rest of the day... Why did so many other girls have to like Tomas as well? He showed me he has feelings for me but he is too afraid to tell everyone else...

I tried to get some music sheets but I saw as Francesca was singing with Tomas...

Fran: I can be the one you'll see

You can put your faith in me

So come on, I'll be there for you

My true love, we can rise above

For you're the one I find myself

Just thinking of

They sang Give It All... The song Tomas sang to me...

They finished and he eventually spotted me as he frowned. I ran from school and went to the park hoping he wouldn't follow me.


"Violetta!" He shouted.

I kept running.

"Listen Vilu! Please"

"Tomas this isn't a time to talk!"

"I want to explain"

"Explain what? That the song you wrote for me wasn't even for me at all?"

"It wasn't an accident I swear! Francesca wanted to sing it and I said no but she started singing and she looked so happy so I didn't want to upset her?"

"And why not?"

"What do you mean?"

"Listen Tomas, I get that you don't want to hurt her feelings... But I have feelings for you... They won't go away no matter what I try... Ever since you sang that song I thought you had feelings for me too-"

"Of course I have feelings for you Violetta!"

"Then prove it! Not just with the song! If you want us to be together, then fight for it Tomas... Don't just tell me you love me and then go and hang out with Fran or Ludmilla, who don't know anything about us and probably are interested in you!"

"You're.. Right"

He stares into my eyes and then smiles for a moment.

"Violetta, I-I do love you a lot... I will tell Fran and Ludmilla to back off"


He smiles as he leans in.

I raise my eyebrows as he is about to come kiss me!

"I mean, this-this is the right moment... It's kinda romantic with all the trees and the flowers and I do love him..." I thought in my head...

But why is this so wrong?

"Tomas I-I can't" I say moving back.

"What? Violetta I-"

"I'm really sorry... I haven't done this before and I really should head back to class..."

"You mean... You haven't had your first kiss?"

"No, and I don't want to right now... Uhm i'm sorry" I ran away yet again to the studio where I bump into...



"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!!"

"It's okay..."


"I'm okay Violetta" he says smiling at me.

"I'm just really clumsy"

"I've noticed" he says laughing.

I laugh then remember everything that just happened in the park.

"So shall we go to class?" He says.

"Oh! Ya... Of course let's go!" I say as I lean on his shoulder and walk.


Violetta's Diary Entry:

Dear Diary,

My feelings are all mixed up. When I'm around Leon... I can't kiss him because deep down, I think about Tomas... And when Tomas tried to kiss me... I thought about how I rejected Leon... For some reason I feel like I'm betraying Leon if I kiss Tomas, and betraying Tomas if I kiss Leon...

Right now nothing makes sense. I'm caught in the worst love triangle ever. I hope I get out sooner or later. But i feel like it will remain there always...

What have I gotten myself into?

Last year, I was just a little shy girl who had crushes on boy celebrities and stayed at home learning while watching cartoons... And now, I'm a teenager who attends the top music school, who has two boys fighting over her, such crazy people in my life, enemies, amazing friends and........

I dropped my pen and didn't know what to write next... I picked it back up and continued.

This is More than Anything a girl like me could have ever wanted... But now I don't want it anymore...

I wish my life could be back to what it used to be.

I hope my mind will get cleared up. Maybe I should just let the guys make their move and if in the moment it feels right then... That's how it should be...

I closed my diary and sat on the bed falling back and resting my head on the pillow. I stared at the ceiling until my eyes got heavy and shut.

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