Chapter 6-I guess We're Ordinary!

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*Ricky POV*

So this Frat was hosting a party tonight and o2l was invited because "we are practically famous and having us there could boost their street cred". We all agreed to go but had different reasons. Jc was just down for a party, Trevor wanted to try and sing for everyone, Kian wanted to impress the ladies, Connor and Sam wanted to just let loose and drink, and I wanted to amuse myself by watching the action. Yeah I don't really party like everyone else.. I like to observe the scene of people doing stupid things and getting crazy.

So when all my friends wake up wasted inside a bathtub, I'm the one to explain how they got there and the events of the previous night because I never take more than two shots. It's like my thing. (Except once I had three but that was the night I tried tequila... Lemme tell you that's good stuff.)

When we got there it looked as if the party was your run of the mill house party. Blaring music, dozens of people passed out on the lawn, the aroma of alcohol filled the air, and the flashing lights from a neon disco ball in the corner blinding everyone who stands near. I got my shots and them sat down looking at the party. While I was looking I saw none other than Miss Gwen Castle sitting alone in the prettiest outfit. She wore a orange polka dotted dress that went to her knees, paired with orange heels and earrings. With her straight golden brown hair flowing down her back, her dark green eyes twinkling in the dim light, and not a trace of makeup in sight.. My God she is beautiful...

She isn't beautiful like supermodel beautiful.

She isn't beautiful like i'm saying that to be polite beautiful.

She isn't beautiful like a spring morning beautiful.

She was beautiful because she was just simply Gwen. That is what intruiged me, and that's not just the vodka talking..

Only one instinct ran through my body. Go talk to her.

How am I supposed to do that though? I'm gonna look so awkward... Yet she is gonna look so.... perfect.

I look back to see if she has moved. It turns out, yes she did. Probably went to hang with some guy who deserves her more than me. As I turn around to sit down and sulk, I find Gwen right in front of me.

"Hi Ricky!" The way she said my name gave me chills.

"Hey Gwen! What's up?" What's up? You speak to the most beautiful girl in the entire campus and you say What's up?! Smooth Ricky..

"Nothing much... Shelby dragged me down here so I am just here to scope the scene, watch the party, then leave."

"Really? I watch parties instead of participating as well." I smile

She returns the smile then all of a sudden her eyes light up and she says, "Well if you're not into parties then follow me, I found the best place to see all the action."

Gwen takes my hand and drags me up the stairs to a balcony that has security camera screens

"Pretty cool huh?" She smirks. Around me was a bunch of stupid college kids on screens making fools out of themselves. Here was the best place to watch a party

"Yeah." I look around until I find a screen that has a funny scene. "Hey Gwen look at screen number 12. Everyone is passed out on the lawn."

"Probably from taking too many shots." She laughs.


"Oh Ricky look at screen 25!"

When I look I see a ton of people gathered around the Tv playing Mario Mart and someone is chugging beer while tapping on the controller. It was hilarious.

"All those people could be me though... If I wasn't Ordinary and I didn't hate everything that helps people fit in."

"Well don't worry. If being ordinary means not fitting in, I guess I am ordinary too." I smirk and take a step closer to Gwen.

"Then I guess we're ordinary." She takes a step closer as well, before anything else could happen, I hear the ding of Gwen's iphone.

"I gotta go, Shelby wants to leave and she is my ride so yeah. Thanks for the fun Ricky!" With that she runs off. Hands down, this was the best night I have had in a while....

I love this chapter omg.... Freaking Gwicky feels omfg. I ship it how about you? Please tell people about this story and share it! but anywho







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