Chapter 9- Forget Gwen..

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*Ricky POV*

Did she just say no?

The girl who I thought liked me said no?

"Why?" I ask.

"It's complicated Ricky. It's only the first week at college and I can't be going on dates and stuff."

Well first of all, ouch... Second of all, I owe Jc five bucks... (He bet I would get rejected.)

"Ricky I'm not making exscu-"

"Yeah sure you're not... I can't believe I thought you would say yes..." I walk away with a broken heart, an angry mind, and no date.

I furiously march to my dorm and slam the door.

"Woah man what's going on?" Trevor says noticing my hulk like rage.

"She said no... Gwen said no then made up a lame excuse of how its only the first week and she isn't ready to date."

"Why do you think it's a lame excuse?"

"She told Shelby she liked me.. Then rejected me unexpectedly."


"All of a sudden she blurts out some excuse to make me 'feel better'."

"Maybe she wasn't making up an excuse.." Trevor said.

"How do you know?"

"She is right.. I wouldn't wanna date the first week at a new place either.."

"Ugh you're hopeless I'm gonna go to Kian's dorm."

"You can be a real idiot sometimes..."

"Thanks you too!" I go out of the dorm and walk down the hall and knock on Kian and Sam's door. Kian opens up.

"Hey Ricky what's up?"

"You know what it's like to be rejected, how do you handle it?"

"What's this about?"

"Gwen rejected me..." I mumble.

"Sorry can't hear ya."

"Gwen rejected me..." I say a little louder.

"Still can't hear ya." He smirks.


"THERE WE GO BROTHER! Step one of rejection, yell it out!"

"Great whats next?"

"Be a lazy ass." Kian gets up and walks toward his kitchen.

"How do we do that?" I yell

Kian then walks in with a lot of Arizona tea, some chips, and a box of twinkies.

"Easy. We watch tv and eat!" He smiles.

"Sounds good!" I grab an Arizona from Kian's hand and pop it open. He opens one as well and we clink drinks.



"But Ricky, Gwen's just another girl. Don't be to bummed about her."

"I won't man don't worry."

Kian's right though.. Gwen was just another girl in the way of things.. I'll get over her.

But the thing is, I can't.


I feel like the Gwicky shippers are gonna shoot me..

So anywho DOUBLE UPDATE! I know, I slay. I really need your guys's opinion on the book you wanna hear about. (Look at my last a/n to see the choices) so comment please!








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