Prologue - Maria Stark

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Just to clarify I am useless with technology and don't know anything about how they work so Maria (my character) may do things with a computer and software systems that just isn't possible but who cares? This is fiction ... and she is a genius ... and has alien technology at her disposal.

Also, I swear in this book, not a lot but it is there if you are offended by this then don't read this book.

I do not consent to this being posted elsewhere, I have posted it on Wattpad nowhere else.


Tony Stark hadn't known about her existence. No one had ever told him. Not until she had told him herself. One day, before the Avengers had been assembled by Nick Fury, Tony had returned home to be informed by JARVIS that someone had hacked into his computers and left a video message. JARVIS had found that the message was of no threat - it held no virus however it would not leave the system unless it was watched. He could still remember watching it for the first time...

The video took a moment to load but soon enough the video played and the image of a young girl with brunette plaits on either side of her head and brown eyes appeared on screen, no older than ten or eleven. She gave the camera a nervous smile. As Tony looked at her something felt familiar, her eyes looked so much like his own.

"Ok, umm, hi sorry about hacking into your system I didn't think you would watch it unless I forced you too" she said in a British accent, chuckling at the end nervously, "Well, this is ... strange I guess. Long story short, my mother left me years ago and my Grandma has raised me but I've never known ... my ... dad." Tony felt his heart stop at those words, he knew what was coming next. Many people over the years have claimed to be his bastard children but this girl was different. So many of her features she recognised on himself. Tony just had a gut feeling she was his daughter.

"Now I know you're standing there, or sitting there, saying you don't have a daughter but you do." Tony quickly sat down, taking a large drink out of the whiskey he had in his hand as he continued to watch the video anxiously. "About eleven years ago, you met my mam, Lisa Johnson. And nine months later she had me. She tried to tell you as did my Grandmother but I don't think you ever heard about me." The girl stopped and took a deep breath, her eyes pleading with Tony's to believe her.

"I didn't know who my dad was until last week but my mother's diary mentions you as the father  and my Grandmother confirmed it so ..." she trailed off. Lisa Johnson did ring a bell with Tony, an uncomfortable one. "Look, I just wanted to ... perhaps meet you. If you don't want to that's fine" she quickly said, "but I thought we should at least get the chance to meet, if you'd like that. If you don't think you're my father, which you have every right to think I mean I came out of nowhere claiming to be your daughter, you probably think I want your money or something" she laughed nervously. However, her words caught up with her and her eyes widened as she realised what she had said. Tony watched as the girl quickly tried to ratify her words. "I don't! I-I don't want your money! That's not why I'm contacting you, I-I'm ... I just want to meet my dad. I'll take a paternity test if you want proof before we meet ... if you want to meet that is. Umm, my name is Maria ... Maria Stark I hope I get to meet you but if I don't ... no hard feelings, ok, that's it, umm, bye."

To this day Tony still watched the video of the well spoken girl who was clearly wise beyond her years. After he had gotten the video Tony had chosen to ignore it but as time went on it had been niggling at him. Then the Battle of New York occurred and he had nearly died without ever having met his potential daughter. Once everything had settled Tony had ordered a paternity test to be done by various places and each lot of results had come back the same: Maria Stark was his daughter.

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