Now what?

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Now I know it's confusing as to how Maria has figured it all out, how she knew they would have to time travel but that will be revealed at the end of the next book. It will all make sense, I promise, all these epilogues will be explained. And yes, there is another book coming.

Of course, there is another book coming! Maria is dead but that doesn't mean her story is over. It is all planned out, the series is going how I want to. You will get the reactions to Maria's death you have been asking for off some of the characters.

The next book is'I Am Soul'.

I'll post in this book when the next book is out. Or, if you like, you can follow me than you will get an instant notification of when the new book comes out.

In the meantime, why don't you give my other books ago? (You obviously don't have to if you don't want to).

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