Chapter Thirty-Three - They Will Remember You

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Though she didn't know it, Maria had a wound similar to her father's thousands of miles away. Maria studied the shining stones that would take her life. In a ragged move, the stones stopped shining and the beam of force died. Its sharp power teared more at her body before it disappeared altogether. The moment the power disappeared Maria felt the blood begin to blow out of the wound. She watched in disbelief at the sight. Her hands shakily clasped over the wound; her palm barely able to cover the tear.

Her whole body began to shaky as did her breaths as she dropped to her knees. Shock over took her body whilst the tears that gathered from her pain and predicament began to fall. She didn't need to look up to know who had hit her. Thanos was the only one who had had any reason to.

As Maria lifted her gaze to the floor beside her, she tried hard not to think about the blood that was running between her fingers, think about how she could feel her heart beating the blood from her body, slowly killing her. She was going to die. Her plan had failed and she was truly trading her life.

Surprisingly, Maria suddenly noticed movement from beside her. Thanos had knelt down on one knee and reached out, cupping Maria's face with his large hand. Maria didn't fight the action; he gently and so caringly tilted her head back so that she looked at him – the action was so strange to come from the warlord.

"You're a smart girl, a great warrior, you were the only one who could have beaten me. You have my respect, Stark" Thanos said, his words equally as soft as his current action. In that moment Maria could have sworn he cared, which made no sense and yet perfect sense – he wanted to save the universe and she was a part of that universe. Maria frowned as she tried to understand but her mind was focused so entirely upon her wound. The pain was constant and unbearable but there was nothing she could do. Tears ran down her cheeks as the only sign of her pain. Strangely, Thanos rubbed his thumb ever so slightly against Maria's cheek to catch the tears. "I am sorry Little Stark ... I do hope they remember you." He sounded so sincere.

Maria didn't know what to think or what to do. She just closed her eyes. She wanted the pain to stop. Her slick fingers shifted over her wound to try and help but it did nothing – the pressure she had to apply was too much. A cry of distress left her lips as she doubled over, her head slipping from Thanos' hand.

A soft hum sounded before suddenly all the pain Maria was feeling disappeared. Frowning, Maria opened her eyes, she stared at her wound to find it was still there, still open and fresh but yet the pain had gone. Her body hadn't fallen into medical shock she knew that but something had happened. Without the pain, Maria was able to move more freely. She swiftly lifted her head to find Thanos before her the gauntlet aimed at her, the Soul stone shining brightly.

It was him! He had used the Soul stone to make her feel no pain, manipulated her soul to not feel the agony of the wound.

"W-Why?" Maria stuttered, whilst there was no longer pain, the effects of losing blood were still occurring.

"I will show the universe mercy when I snap my fingers and half of the population will disappear with no pain. This is me showing you mercy" Thanos explained before he reached forward and with one hand picked up Maria and placed her on the floor sitting against the wall. Maria had moved a hand to grab his arm, as he removed his hand and knelt back beside her, her hand slipped from his arm leaving a red trail behind. "You remind me of my own daughter."

"Is she the one..." Maria's eyes locked on the Soul stone. She knew the price it demanded. A soul for a soul, the thing you love the most for the item you desire the most. "... you, you killed? Did you kill her to get the Soul Stone?" Maria's eyes slowly blinked as they looked towards Thanos.

"Yes" he answered truthfully, he saw no use in denying it. The great warlord looked upon Maria as she frowned up at him, her hand no longer pressing against her wound, merely resting. She knew there was no point in trying to stop it – there was only one way this was going to end.

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