Chapter Seven - Liz's Party

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The suburbs were beautiful, not as rushed as the centre of the city. But that did not mean she wanted to be there. Unfortunately, just as her scans were being completed on the guns Maria had received a text of Michelle who had told her she was picking her up for Liz's party. Maria had not wanted to go, still didn't want to go but she knew it was pointless trying to argue with Michelle. So, she had quickly gotten changed into a small high neck black dress with a white collar, she even made an effort with her hair, pulling it up into an updo before Michelle arrived at her door. Of course, Michelle had immediately noticed the cut across Maria's cheek – that had not been an easy one to explain – but the pair headed out all the same.

Now, they stood staring up at Liz's large house watching as people poured into it, towards the pounding music and flashing lights. It looked like Liz had gone all out for the party. Maria and Michelle stood side by side as they stared up at the modern complex from the bottom of the long walk up to the house. Maria was used to such fancy sights considering her father was Tony Stark and all but she was more concerned about the 'party' aspect of this party, Maria did not do parties especially when at home her computers were bleeping with new information on alien weaponry. She hated the fact that at that very moment in time she could be dismantling alien tech but instead was about to attend a stupid high school house party that was DJ'd by none other than Flash.

"Why am I even here?" Maria questioned as she took a glance at Michelle who was wearing a short, black-sleeved, pattern dress.

"Because you're my best friend" Michelle answered simply. However, their presence still immensely confused Maria, Michelle hated parties as much as she did.

"Why do you even go to these parties? You don't even like them" Maria questioned as she crossed her arms and cocked her hip out.

"Yes ... but all the embarrassing stuff happens at parties." Maria should have seen that coming. Michelle just liked judging other people ... and that was something Maria could get onboard with. As the girls went to make their way up the driveway, Michelle spotted two familiar faces in one of the many cars that were parking up.

"Hey look its Peter" she said watching as Maria's head turned to find the boy sitting in his Aunt's car with Ned in the back. So, they had decided to come to the party after all. Maria felt a small smile grace her face as she spotted Peter. She could never repay him for what he did and she would never forget it. "You should go say hi."

"Why would I MJ?" Maria questioned.

"Because you would've several days ago, you know, before you realised, you're undying love for him" Michelle commented with a smirk causing Maria to scoff and lower her gaze to the floor as her cheeks heated up.

"I do not love him" Maria said. Yes, she may have strong feelings for the boy, feelings she had had for some time but that did not mean love ... she didn't think.

"Uh huh. If you don't then go and say hi" Michelle said forcing Maria back into a corner. Maria's head snapped around to Michelle in shock and horror. Michelle knew exactly what she had done; she had won. Fighting the urge to stomp her foot, Maria turned to face May's car where the boys were still sitting.

"I hate you" Maria muttered to Michelle as she began to make her way through the people and parked cars. Maria swiftly found herself stood beside Peter's car where she could see the trio inside laughing at something. Sighing, Maria curved her fingers into a fist and gently tapped upon the glass of Peter's window. At the unexpected knock Peter practically jumped out of his seat. Maria never thought she would be able to scare Spider-Man but she guessed there was a first time for everything. Quickly, the window came down and the trio inside moved to be able to see Maria. Peter was not upset to see the girl in the slightest.

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