Epilogue/Post-Credit Scene

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Whilst I knew that some people would react to Maria's death in the way you have, I didn't expect this. I know it's upsetting but this is how I planned the story. But it's all happened for a reason.

Anyway, here's a both confusing and explaining epilogue.


Her room was silent. No light was on, it was a room with no owner anymore. It was a room that had been left untouched. No one could enter it; it was just too hard.

Half of the universe had disintegrated before everyone's eyes but that was not what hurt the Avengers the most. Steve would never forget the moment he found his goddaughter in that room of Wakanda. He had thought failing the world was bad but to know he had failed her, hurt worse than anything else.

The world was black and dull. It was a planet of tears. They had all lost so much.

And there only glimmer of hope rested inside that abandoned room, loaded on the computer's screens, waiting patiently for someone to play the video ... yet no one found in, no one played it, no one knew about it.

The image of the smiling, bright brunette Stark froze for a moment in time was pixelated. It was her last message. It was her plan. She could save the universe, undo it all if someone just pressed play...


"I'm sorry, I'll start by saying that. I lied ... to you all" Maria started in the video; she was sat at her computer desk staring guiltily at the screen. "I have known about this war for months, I have known Thanos was coming and I knew what he was doing but we were never going to stop him. And I know it makes no sense but if you read the highlighted paragraph from in the file called Chronicles of the Great Titan you will realise why I say that. Thanos was always going to get the stones no matter what, no matter how hard you fought or what you did in the end he was always going to get the stones. But it's what you do now that matters."

Maria took a break, allowing her words and apology to sink in. Taking a breath, she continued with a flurry of her hands.

"If you are seeing this my diversion did not work and I am dead now and I have to be. What you don't know is that Thanos had to believe I was dead. As long as I lived, or as long as he thought I lived, he would know that I could still beat him. So, I had to die. Until I died, he would not believe he had won and he has to believe that to stop him from stopping us from beating him. If that makes any sense."

Maria laughed at her confusing words.

"He was never going to believe he had won until he had seen me die. And trading my life for all of yours seems like a fair trade."

Maria smiled brightly at them. She would gladly give her life if it meant that they could save everyone.

"With my death he will have completed his destiny and wiped out half of the universe. But that can be undone, that's how we beat him afterwards. If the stones can wipe out half the population, then they can also reverse that event, they can bring everyone who turned to dust back. You just need the stones."

The simple plan that wasn't so simple.

"Thanos is said to go to a planet where he will farm for the rest of his life, watching the sun rise each day on a grateful universe. He will have the stones with him and no army. If you can get to this planet then you can steal the stones back, kill him and undo it all."

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