Chapter Thirty-Two - The Battle of Wakanda

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Okay, this is going to be a long one. I've just decided to have the entire battle in this chapter instead of splitting it.

Hope you enjoy!


Shuri had not only given Maria computers, she had given her a large room of computers that was perfect for what Maria needed. Having taken her black case into the room, Maria had carefully removed every piece of technology out of the case. Each silver piece was engraved with the acronym, B.A.R.F.. Her father's company's Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing. With a few tweaks Maria was able to get the technology to present what she wanted in a realistic form - it was all cleverly created using perfect holographs of anything the hippocampus created. She thought of something and the invisible drone created a holograph showing that something. It was the perfect equipment for saving herself, it was the only chance she had. With the technology running and the drone cloaked and flying in the middle of the large room by the ceiling, Maria had KAREN link up the BARF connection to her earpiece so it was all set to go.

Once the room was set, Maria left and made her way back to Shuri and Vision. Maria and Shuri had decided it was best for Shuri to start the realignment process whilst Maria set up the technology she had to set up. Maria truly wished she had met Shuri under different circumstances, Maria could only imagine what they would come up with together.

As she entered the room, her eyes immediately flew to the windows where she could see their armies lined up several hundred feet behind the barrier. On the other side of the barrier Maria could see a sea of creatures running forward towards them all. Lifting her arm up, Maria opened her computer watch and zoomed in on the barrier to see what kind of creatures were heading straight for them.

The blue-blooded, leathery black and yellow skinned aliens were creatures out of nightmares. They had four clawed strong arms and two legs, no visible eyes but mouths full of razor-sharp teeth. Maria recognised the creatures from Thanos' armies. The Black Order had brought the Outriders to the battlefield. She had to warn the others. Clicking on her earpiece Maria began talking straight to the Avengers.

"Steve, the creatures are Outriders. They are much stronger than you think, stronger than any human. Their teeth and claws are like talons, they will rip through almost everything. They don't have eyes and they run on their bloodlust. They are mindless creatures, that are bred for war. They are dispensable." It was the most dangerous thing about them. The Black Order could use the creatures for absolutely anything, no matter the danger for they could and would just be replaced.

"Understood Maria" Steve replied clearly but beneath his voice Maria could hear everyone's gasps and scared comments. They knew that if what Maria was saying was true, this battle just got a thousand times worse. The battle was beginning and Maria had to help Shuri. Maria could feel herself getting emotional again, how many of her family would die facing the Outriders?

With a shaky sigh, Maria turned her back on the windows and climbed the steps up to the table that Shuri was working at. A hologram of the Mind stone that was in Vision's head floated in the middle whilst Shuri's fingers were in the hologram directing the machine that was above Vision. Looking towards Vision, Maria could see that the silver plating that held the stone in his head was lifted and thin bright white beams of light were flowing out of the machine Shuri was controlling. Moving around to the other side of the table, opposite Shuri, Maria lifted her hands and placed them into the hologram as well. Automatically a set of robotic arms came to life like Shuri's and awaited Maria's command.

Maria and Shuri locked eyes through the hologram. They both knew that this was impossible. That finishing this task and getting the stone out of Vision's head in time was a pipedream yet neither was going to say it aloud. Concentrating back on the hologram they both got to work realigning the synapses as fast as they could. The sound of the raging battle reaching the heights of the lab and filling the silence.

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