Chapter Thirteen - Liz? Maria? Karen.

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Maria hated waiting for Peter to move, to react in some form but there was nothing else she could do. She kept scans continuously running to keep an eye on his vitals. She knew that she couldn't inform the DODC of their little hitchhiker because then Peter would be in trouble and would be jailed. Following the truck across DC using cameras and Spider-Man's signals, Maria had been able to watch as the trucks entered the storage facility but after that she was blind. The DODC cameras were not easy to access neither were they going to be very helpful, there was dozens of vaults in one storage facility alone, Peter's truck could have been taken into any number of vaults.

Maria sat anxiously, tapping her fingernails against her desk as she watched her screens eagerly waiting for something to change – she was sick of watching the truck's ceiling since that was how Peter had landed on the ground. After what seemed like forever, Maria suddenly saw Spider-Man's cameras shifting which meant Peter was turning his head.

"Peter?" Maria spoke softly, "Peter can you hear me?" Even though the scans were reading that he was okay, Maria was still worried stiff. She needed to hear it from him, himself. "Pete? Spidey?" Slowly, Peter began to move more and more.

"Uh, my head" Peter groaned as he stumbled to his feet, using the metal crates beside him as support.

"You appear to have a mild concussion" Maria told him, relief clear in her voice.

"Yeah, I got that" Peter answered beneath his breath whilst he rubbed his head. Maria felt bad for him but there was nothing she could do. "Hey, so where am I right now?" The one question she didn't have a clear answer to.

"I'm not sure exactly -" Maria started but was swiftly interrupted by the teenage imagination that appeared in Peter's mind.

"Wait a minute. They must have hijacked the truck and taken me to their evil lair. Okay, Suit Lady, we're gonna have to fight our way out of this one" Peter announced whilst he turned to face the entrance of the storage container. Maria was completely shocked at his words, he really thought that the Bird Man was going to risk taking the entire truck because of him. She tried to explain but he wasn't having it.

"Wait, what? Pet-" But Peter was determined.

"Three, two, one." As expected with his super strength, Peter burst out of the unit, destroying the doors to the container and rolled to his feet, his fists ready. It didn't take long for Peter to realise he was completely wrong. He was all alone in the large warehouse, surrounded by many storage containers. "What is this place? Suit lady, where am I?" Peter span around in a circle to scan the warehouse and spotted a very large sign upon the thick concrete walls that informed Maria of Peter's exact location: DODC-V05.

"You're in the most secure facility on the eastern seaboard. The Damage Control deep storage vault. Storage Vault 5 to be precise" Maria explained. Almost immediately, Peter realised how serious this was, he was trapped.

"No. Seriously?" Peter groaned, his hands flying to his head whilst Maria grimaced. There wasn't exactly anything either of them could do but that didn't mean Peter wasn't going to try. Peter raced over to the large over ten feet tall concrete wall. He jumped up to the horizontal opening of the wall and tried to pull it open much to Maria's confusion. The wall was far too strong, it was industrially locked to make sure people couldn't get into the vault without permission and Peter thought he could pry it open. Maria had to give him his due he was persistent.

"The door will most likely remain closed until morning" Maria said as she realised he was just going to keep trying. Peter sighed heavily before he jumped back to the floor and resorted to kicking the wall in annoyance. "Kicking the door will do nothing."

I Am Karen - Spider-Man / Peter Parker [1]Where stories live. Discover now