Chapter Six - Thank You

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With a quick anonymous call to the police and a handwritten note attached to the three tied up robbers, Peter and Maria had made their way back to Peter's home (on Peter's instance). Maria had not come out of her little adventure unscathed but she had refused to go to the hospital since she knew that her Dad would then learn about her actions so the next best thing was Aunt May. To say the older woman was surprised when Peter and Maria ended up at the door would be an understatement.

After a short pointless argument over going to the hospital, May began to patch Maria up. From what Peter and May could see Maria had bust knuckles and a cut running across her cheek, however, the pair knew that something was wrong with her abdomen from the way she was moving. Whilst May did her best to sort Maria out, Peter stood off to the side with a permanent look of concern and worry on his face. The look touched Maria greatly, he truly cared.

"Maria, I have done what I can, but you really should go to the hospital" May said as she was putting away her supplies. Aunt May had some much-need first aid training.

"I've already done a scan of my body, no issues detected. I'll be fine" Maria said, pointing to her watch that had endless capabilities.

"What are you going to tell your father?" May questioned. It was clear that May wasnt going to trust that Maria was telling the truth - what Maria and Peter didn't realise that May knew more than they thought.

"The truth" Maria immediately replied, "I fell." Which was not a lie, she had fallen, hard ... just after being kicked by a robber but he didn't need to know that bit. May narrowed her eyes at Maria with suspicion, the older woman was not an idiot, she knew something was going on. However, it was clear that the young girl was going to stick to her story. Once May had tidied up the first aid kit, her eyes landed on her nephew who was staring intently at Maria, his whole body consumed by nervous energy.

"Clearly my nephew wants to talk to you, if he fidgeted anymore, he'd start dancing" May said to Maria who frowned before she turned to look at Peter, only to find May having told the truth. "I'll leave you two alone." after putting the first aid kit back in its place on the kitchen counter, May made her way towards her own room. However, just before she entered she turned back to face Peter sternly. "Door stays open!" At the implication of her words both Maria and Peter turned bright red and began denying May's thoughts. Laughing, the woman moved into her own room and left the door open just a crack. Maria sat awkwardly on the couch waiting for Peter to say something, as May said, he clearly wanted to. Slowly, Peter began moving towards his room, Maria automatically followed his footsteps. As she neared what she presumed was his room, Maria noticed Peter holding the door for her. Ever the gentleman.

Maria entered Peter's room for the first time and wasn't surprised to find it looked exactly the same as it had on the video footage when Ned had found out about Peter's secret. Maria made her way deeper into the room until she came to his bunk bed. Slowly, Maria lowered herself onto the bottom bunk before she watched Peter slowly pushing his door to.

"Didn't May tell you to leave the door open?" Maria queried causing Peter to snap around to stare at her. The boy looked back towards the door before he faced Maria, giving the girl a shrug of his shoulders.

"It is open" Peter replied with a smile. Maria noticed how the door was left ajar. Smart boy, copying his aunt and everything. Maria could help but laugh at his words. Peter joined in as he took a seat beside her on his bed. Soon enough the laughter died leaving the pair sat awkwardly beside one another. Peter began fiddling with his hands, rubbing them against his jeans whilst Maria clutched her stomach with one hand - she could practically feel the bruise forming. They both knew what they had to talk about but it didn't mean they wanted to talk about it; neither wanted to bring it up but someone had to.

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