Chapter Twelve - Big Bird

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Peter jumped out of his skin at the voice just as Maria knew he would. The superhero was rapidly looking around as he tried to spot who had spoken but of course he would find no one since Maria was hundreds of miles away behind a computer.

"Err, hello?"

"You know I would say congratulations on completing the Training Wheels Protocol and gaining access to your suit's full capabilities but I am well aware that you did not complete said protocol in actual fact you cheated or should I say hacked" Maria asked irritatedly, waiting for the reply. Peter's eyes had widened in shock as he realised that someone had figured out what he and Ned had done but clearly the boy was unaware that Maria could see his face as he next tried to lie to her.

"I didn-"

"You hacked a multi-millionaire dollar suit, so you better have a bloody good reason for it" Maria interrupted. There really was no point in arguing.

"I put a tracker on someone. He's a bad guy" Spider-Man replied clearly unsure if she would listen to him but praying it was a good enough answer. Although Maria already knew this it still made her stop. Whilst Peter should not have hacked the suit maybe he was ready for it? It couldn't hurt to see.

"You know I should reactivate the Training Wheels Protocol" Maria commented her fingers hovering over the enter key that would do just that.

"No don't please" Peter stressed, Maria sat and watched as he scrunched up his face and sighed heavily, "I'm just trying to catch a bad guy and help everyone." Rolling her head around, Maria sighed. His intentions were good and, dare she think it, necessary. Maria had not been able to find the gang's hideout and she had not discovered anything more about their leader (she assumed) Bird Man as Spider-Man called the man. Spider-Man could find out more information especially since he was on the ground in the same area as the men.

"This is so going to bite me in the ass" Maria mumbled as she quickly began typing away on her computers to bring up the tracker that was still emitting a location. Swiftly, the screens showed a glowing dot on a map of the Washington DC area. "Alright. Tracker located. Plotting course to intercept target." Maria swiftly found the quickest way to the tracker from the hotel and sent the route to Peter's suit allowing him to see where he was going. As she was clicking away, she noticed that the tracker was located at a gas station.Suddenly it hit Maria, gas stations had cameras; swiftly Maria was hacking into the feed.

"Okay, as long as I make it back in time for decathlon, it's fine" Peter commented whilst the course appeared on his on screen inside the mask before he began moving, jumping off the rooftop he had been stood upon. With a quick thwip of his webbing, Peter had swung himself on top of a truck that was transporting a load of cars. Meanwhile, Maria opened the station's cameras and spotted one black van parked up in the closed station. However, that wasn't the only issue. Maria suddenly noticed something was not right. She could clearly see from Peter's cameras that he was moving and yet his GPS tracker still located him at the hotel.

"Peter?" Maria started her jaw locking in annoyance.

"Yeah?" he questioned whilst he kept his fingertips attached to the top of the car he had jumped on.

"Why does your GPS say you are still at the hotel?" Maria questioned through gritted teeth. Not only had the boy hacked into her suit, he had started dismantling it. After all the work she put into the darn thing.


"Peter, you will put that tracker back in the suit when you get back to the hotel or Mr Stark will be having words with you" Maria threatened, knowing full well that her father was a soft spot for Peter.

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