Chapter Two - You Guys Are Losers

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Starting Homecoming!!!!

FYI: words in italics are said in Spanish


Two months had passed since everything had happened with the Accords and life was back to normal, except for the part where Maria couldn't see most of her family. Of course the little genius had found Steve and the others, she kept tabs on them but made sure that no one would find out - she wiped security cameras and everything to keep them hidden, though none of them knew she was doing that.

However, apart from that everything was normal with the added on motions that when Maria returned home after school, she opened up the Baby Monitor Protocol so that she could keep an eye on Spider-Man and his ventures. He did the usual things every day: stopped bicycle thieves, helped old ladies find where they needed to go, prevented the occasionally car crashes but it was clear to tell that Peter wanted something more exciting. Ever since Berlin, Peter had wanted more, wanted to become an Avenger. However, Maria was well aware that exciting didn't always mean better.

Unfortunately, they both had to suffer through school. Maria was walking around the crowded halls of Midtown her backpack on her shoulder. She remembered the first time she had come to Midtown, once the students found out that she was Tony Stark's daughter everyone had found her really interesting. Maria had hated it. Soon enough people realised that Maria had no qualms about telling people to back the hell off. Thankfully, nowadays she wasn't that interesting anymore and people left her alone.

Overall Maria had a couple of friends, just the way she liked it. Maria had immediately liked Michelle and the feeling was mutual. They had quickly become friends and still were. Through Michelle, Maria had met Ned and Peter who she had become friends with too. At that moment, Maria was making her way to Michelle's locker where they always met in the morning. As she walked through the corridors she heard the TVs', which littered the school hallways, morning introduction. They were always as cringy as fuck.

Betty Brant and Jason Ionello were the two presenters and Betty was a right know it all who was popular but disliked by Maria. Maria had made it to Michelle's locker wehre she leant back against and decided to watch the god awful school news whilst waiting for Michelle.

"Rise and shine, Midtown Science and Technology" Betty Brant started, awkwardly sat beside her co-anchor.

"Students don't forget about your homecoming tickets" Jason said before the Homecoming ticket flickered onto the screen. Considering this was a school for the best and brightest the Homecoming tickets were dull and uninspiring to say the least - black tickets with an orange strip running across the middle stating 'Totally 80s Homecoming'. Quickly the anchors came back on screen. "Do you have a date for homecoming?" It was so stagnate.

"Thanks, Jason, but I already have a date" Betty tried to joke but Maria just rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"They're so weird" a voice suddenly said. Maria jumped as she found Michelle beside her, "but not in a good way." Michelle was as silent as a ghost at times.

"Yep awful" Maria agreed as her and Michelle both just leant back against the lockers watching the students walk by. They spent their mornings silently judging others a lot, studying people, figuring people out so that if a confrontation ever happened they would have the upper hand. Something many people do just not so obviously or openly admitting it.

"Join me, and together we'll build my new LEGO Death Star" Maria heard to her left. Both Michelle and her swung their heads to watch as Ned held a Lego figurine of Emperor Palpatine on Peter's shoulder whilst Peter was searching his locker.

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