Prologue - A Seer's Prophecy

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"Thanos, son of A'lars, your time has come..."

Though the grand voice came from a young, flawless woman of human size, who was cloaked in rags, the large Titanian stood before her respecting each word. The Titanian was a feared warlord in the galaxy, a man who had gained control of the armies of the Chitarui, Outriders and Sakaarans; he came from a species of creatures who were considered god-like yet this woman before him held power over him like no one else.

"You seek the six Infinity Stones ... and you will have them."

Thanos couldn't help but smile at the news. He needed the stones and to know one day he would have them brought him great joy. His gaze stayed locked upon the woman who floated before him, her white hair dancing along with the rags that covered her small glowing body. He could see that she had not finished.

"One lies on Xandar; another is kept by a trickster, an Asgardian no less; one resides with a Collector; one hides in a place only your daughter knows; two more are found on earth: the Eye of Agamotto dances around a wizard's neck and the last one shines from a mind."

Thanos hadn't expected to receive this knowledge when he had been pulled into this world, this realm beyond reality. And Thanos knew this woman was telling the truth for she was the Seer, the one who finds you, the one who is never wrong. Other seers were wrong, were fake and had bred a reputation across the universe that they weren't to be trusted but this Seer came to you. She pulled you into her world to tell you your fate, only a fool would not heed her words.

"You will succeed, however, a child of 16, a Stark, a human girl with no powers, no suits of armour, nothing but her mind will defeat you. You are her doom and her destiny but she is your destiny and your doom..."

Thanos stepped forward in anger, his hands forming fists at the knowledge. It couldn't be, it just couldn't be. A human girl simply could not defeat him, not after everything he had given up for this goal of his. He had watched his planet die, he had ignored his destiny and it had ended with the near extinction of his kind. He wouldn't have his destiny stopped by a child. But the Seer was not done, her finally words would give the Titan hope and a determination he had never felt before.

"Unless ... you kill her in time."


For six years Thanos has haunted Tony Stark. For six years Maria Stark has haunted Thanos. For six years Maria has been completely oblivious to the threat, the price on her head. Six years of torment and tension were finally going to come to an end; Thanos and Maria were about to meet their destines and their dooms...

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