Chapter Four - Peter knows Spider-Man

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Have you seen the trailer for Spider-Man Far From Home? It looks awesome.


As it turned out Spider-Man had gotten into even more trouble. Maria was at her desk once again, except this time it was covered with Thai food bags as well. She was sitting just watching a movie when her eyes took a glance at another one of her computers' screens that had everything she was working on before up and running, including the Baby Monitor Protocol. On the Protocol's logs she noticed an extra hour of footage she had not watched. Considering what had happened that night with the ATM robbery, Maria knew she had to watch it then and there. Quickly Maria paused her movie, popped another part of her tea into her mouth before she played the video. Unfortunately, a large amount of it was just Peter making his way home and climbing up the side of his apartment block which was just dumb – anyone could see him, it's not like no one was around at that time of night.

Sighing at his stupidity, Maria continued to watch the footage. Spider-Man was using his abilities to climb in through his window, opening it with the tips of his fingers before he crawled up onto his ceiling. Maria presumed he closed the window with his foot as she heard the click but couldn't see it. Suddenly, a hand blurred the cameras and then she lost all visual, as the mask hit the floor. Peter had taken his mask off! Thankfully, the way it had landed allowed Maria to see the mirror which showed part of the room. It surprised Maria to find Peter had a messy bedroom, she had expected Peter to have a tidy room for some reason. However, something felt off about the footage. Pausing the video Maria's eyes scanned the frozen footage over and over, something was bugging her.

"Oh no" she muttered as she noticed it. There in the mirror Maria could see a reflection of a person! Peter was mask-less and someone was in the room. Zooming in on the image, Maria's jaw dropped as the image cleared and Maria noticed the person straight away. It was Ned ... sitting with an almost completed Lego Death Star in his hands. On autopilot Maria hit play, she knew she had to watch/listen to the rest of the footage. Nothing happened for some time on the visual side of things but she could hear the sound of Peter using webbing and the creaking of a door. He had to be closing his bedroom door, STILL unaware of Ned whose face was a picture. It was very clear he had not known about Peter's secret identity. Suddenly, a pair of red feet appeared on the camera, Peter had dropped from the ceiling. There was a moment of quiet before Peter sighed in relief as his door closed and he turned to find Ned. Maria could just about see in the mirror the simultaneous reaction off both boys. They froze in complete shock and the Lego Death Star (Maria thought was amazing) rolled out of Ned's hands and hit the floor with a thud, breaking into over three thousand pieces.

Maria paused the video again before she rested her head in her hands. This was not good, there was not a chance that Peter was going to be able to talk his way out of this one and Ned ... oh, could this get any worse? Hitting play Maria began to watch the footage through her fingers.

"What was that?" May's voice echoed from the kitchen. Oh, May could not know. Maria was practically screaming at Peter to take the suit off before anyone else could walk in and see him in it.

"Uh! Nothing! Nothing" Peter shouted back before he turned to look at Ned who had stood up and was staring at Peter's suit. Though Maria could not see Peter's face she assumed it had a look of absolute panic on it.

"You're the Spider-Man. From YouTube" Ned replied, finally speaking.

"I'm not. I'm not" Peter denied as he hit the spider symbol in the middle of his chest and the suit quickly expanded and was no longer skin-tight. Maria was proud as she watched her creation work in the way it was intended. Then she suddenly realised that she had an almost naked Peter Parker on her screen. She had been right the boy had muscles, and in that moment, she really wanted him to turn around. She always thought Peter was handsome but to know that that was what he was hiding underneath his clothing. Suddenly, Maria froze at her own thoughts, her hands slamming down on her desk as her eyes widened in shock. She had not just thought that way about Peter Parker! Oh my god, she had just been sitting ogling the boy. This was bad, very bad. Michelle liked Peter, she couldn't go there, nope not at all.

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