Chapter Twenty-Nine - I Need You

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It hit her hard.

Maria flew backwards at the impact of a small device. The moment it had touched her chest the device latched onto her clothing and nano tech crawled out, racing across her. Maria just had time to watch as the small machines connected and formed all over her even running over her head. The moment all the nano tech had connected thrusters under Maria's feet activated and she was shot into the air just as the hammer came under her feet, clipping the bottom of the thrusters. Maria gasped. She was wearing a suit!

"What the-?!" Maria looked around in the suit and realised that she had a computer screen in front of her. Had her father made her an Iron Man suit?! She realised the truth as soon as she concentrated beyond the screen and saw that she was indeed in a suit ... and that Obsidian was pissed he had missed her again.

"KAREN enter the suit now, take control" Maria ordered her AI. Immediately, KAREN found the system and entered it, ultimately pushing out Tony's control. With KAREN in control Maria was able to pay attention to what was coming at her again. Thankfully, Maria had flown her father's suits before and swiftly activated the thrusters that were also in her palms. The activated thrusters allowed Maria to fly out of the way of the incoming weapon.

From in the air, Maria could see Spider-Man looking up at her, his suit's eyes showing his shock. It wasn't every day that you saw your friend wearing a tight-fitted black suit with golden trims and a mask that resembled your own except the suit had thrusters in the hands and feet – it was a suit clearly inspired by both Spider-Man's suit and Iron Man's suit.

"You can thank me later!" her dad's voice came through clear as day into the suit but Maria could only role her eyes at his words. He was always contradicting himself, he said he didn't want her to be a part of the superhero world yet he had created her a suit. "That suit is for protection only, not for fighting!" Scanning the suit KAREN brought up blueprints of the suit to the right of her screen highlighting all the suit's capabilities, including its multiple weapons – Maria knew Iron Man's suit and it was clear to see that the Iron Man suit had many more capabilities, was decked out with weaponry whilst this suit was not. Maria assumed the suit had the weapons purely for protection.

"Understood!" Maria called back as she looked towards her wrists and noticed that sonic pulses were able to be fired from retractable bracelets. Looking at her wrists Maria smiled before she created fists and punched out towards Obsidian the action immediately activating the sonic pulses. The pulses raced across the sky from the risen bracelets and hit Obsidian's arms; Maria watched in surprise as the pulses forced Obsidian a few steps back – they had more punch then she thought.

"FRIDAY send her home" Tony ordered in annoyance at Maria's blatant disregard of his instructions, however, Maria could only smirk as her suit found no signs of FRIDAY. KAREN had locked her out.

"I know you better than you know yourself dad" Maria answered as she flew around the air purposefully annoying Obsidian from afar. Tony sometimes really hated how smart his daughter was. Knowing it was far more dangerous to argue with Maria whilst she was playing bait, Tony decided it was best to protect her by placing himself between her and Obsidian. As Tony began attacking Obsidian with his energy blasts, Peter was swinging in with his webs whilst Maria was flying just out of Obsidian's reach sending sonic pulses every now and again. "KAREN, find me some weaknesses."

"On it" KAREN answered. The three of the heroes gelled together well, fighting the alien creature though they weren't beating it that was for sure. On occasions Obsidian's hammer was getting passed Peter and Tony but even when it did, Maria's suit was able to fly her out of trouble. However, Obsidian was soon not their only problem. Out of nowhere a familiar red cloak flew by them carrying its unconscious owner. All three of their suits scanned the footage and identified the high-speed object as Doctor Strange. Maria was worried as to why he was unconscious.

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