Chapter One - Spider-Man and the Consequences of Civil War

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Maria Stark had spent a month gathering information on the Spider-Man who was swinging around Queens. All she had to work off was the cameras that were dotted around the city. Regardless of the bad quality, she had been able to gather a fact file on the guy. She was still surprised by her own discoveries – Peter Parker, a friend of hers, was Spider-Man; she had not seen it coming at all.

Her dad stood behind her his eyes running over the clearest image of Spider-Man in his god awful homemade suit on the holographic screen. Spinning around to her computers Maria started tapping away at the keyboards - her computers either used keyboards or the touch holograms. Soon enough the hologram filled with videos, information and pictures of the webslinger.

"This is Spider-Man. He is obviously a spider themed hero with a whole list of abilities" Maria started as she brought up various videos of the Spider-Man. "Has agility, super strength." Pulling up one video in particular Maria forced Tony to watch it. Spider-Man swung between a bus and a speeding car, landing and catching the car easily, saving the people in the bus and the driver. "Catches a car 3,000 pounds, 40 miles an hour." Tony stood impressed; it wasn't an easy feat to do that.

"He has this ability to stick to walls like a spider I'm not sure if it's adhesive gloves or if it's one of his powers. He also seems to have a sort of danger sense or something, you know like spiders. He obviously swings around on webs and can shoot webs, at first I thought they were organic but as I watched more videos I noticed that the webs come from devices on his wrists, they are homemade devices along with his suit clearly." Maria quickly brought up zoomed in images of the devices on his wrist and a design sketch she had created off them. Tony reached out and span the design prints of the devices intrigued by how much Maria had found from videos alone. Truth be told, Maria had guessed a lot of the work behind the wrist devices, she was pleasantly surprised by them.

"I did try to find the webbing, like where he gets it from, but nowhere makes anything like that." Reaching over into a drawer Maria suddenly pulled out a small tube that had some of the webbing inside it. "I found this on one of the numerous buildings he swings from and did some tests on it" Maria said as she chucked the small vile to her father who swiftly caught it and studied the item. "The tensile strength is off the charts on that stuff. He has the brains to make it himself so I assume it's homemade as well ... kudos to him." Turning back around to face her computers Maria began bringing up and taking down various pages.

"Now finding the identity of this guy was ridiculous I couldn't get a good shot of his face but me being as smart as I am" Maria commented, her father's arrogance clear in his daughter, "noticed that Spider-Man always appeared roughly the same time every day at about 3-ish when the school's end. That with his height, body, and voice led me to believe he was a teenager." Tony frowned; he didn't like the idea of a kid running around trying to be a superhero. It wasn't a safe job to do ... but the kid did seem more than capable. "Also I noticed on cameras that Spider-Man often has a sandwich from Mr Delmar's. So I looked at the security footage of the shop compiled a list of the teenager boys that entered the days Spider-Man had a sandwich on him - several names fitting everything popped up." Maria brought up the short list of names.

Maria remembered when she compiled the list and saw Peter's name for the first time. When she placed his name on the list it had caused her to freeze. Her mind had raced around the idea of Peter being Spider-Man but it actually had made sense. That was when she had known she had found Spider-Man's identity but she had to make sure she was correct so she continued to do research which she brought up on a screen for her dad to see. "Stalking these boys, I eventually discovered that one boy disappears down an alleyway (there is only one camera on that alleyway which is really annoying because I couldn't see if the boy emerged as Spider-Man or not) in saying that once he goes into that alleyway he disappears, you can't find him on any cameras anywhere in the city as long as Spider-Man's around. And Spider-Man is never around when that boy's around. That young man would be one: Peter Parker." Maria brought up an image of the boy from his social media. It was still shocking to know Peter was Spider-Man, it made sense that he was but it was still shocking.

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