Epilogue/Post-Credit Scene

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I had to do one. Enjoy!


Maria was back in her lab fiddling on with an array of new technology. Tony had allowed Maria to give Peter his suit back and Peter was back to being Spider-Man on the streets again, helping anyone who needed it. Before Maria had returned the suit, she had installed KAREN into it so that Peter had the help if Maria wasn't there. At that moment, Peter was swinging through the city and Maria was talking to him through her earpiece all the while her hands were busy with tech galore she had fished out of her father's lab.

"You know you really need to come with me one of these times" Peter said into her ear whilst he swung through the city. Maria could hear the wind racing passed Peter and she could only chuckle at his excitement. Though the truth was she really did want to swing through the city, it had to be so wonderful. And being in Peter's arms would certainly be a perk. However, before Maria could answer another voice spoke with a dangerous glee.


Maria gasped. Who was that? Maria suddenly whipped around to find the owner of the voice. She had no idea what she was staring at. The figure was alien for sure: they were a thin, woman who had blue skin, no hair and black tiger markings across her face. She was all hard lines and angles reminding Maria of a skeleton. Her eyes were pure white and almost lifeless causing Maria to fear for her life.

"What the fuck are you?" Maria said with her heart beating quickly. She didn't understand how this creature knew her name but it was certainly terrifying. The figure suddenly smirked at her with her eyes gleaming evil. This person was not friendly that was for sure.

"Thanos will be pleased at your death" the figure said as she lifted her hand out towards Maria who knew she was in danger for sure now.,The dangerous glint in her eyes caused Maria's heart to stop. She had no idea what was going on but every instinct in her was telling her to run. Maria pushed off her chair and went to bolt for her lab door but for some reason her feet stopped moving, in fact her entire body stopped. She froze, she couldn't move an inch!

"You are not going anywhere" the figure announced, Maria was frozen as the figure suddenly closed the gap between them with her hand still raised, "I am Supergiant, and I have your mind." Maria felt her eyes fill with water as she swore in her head, she could feel the figure in her mind. The only thing Maria could do was move her eyes and it scared the hell out of her. "What's wrong? Can't move. I do have to admit your mind will be wonderful to devour ... it's so bright."

Maria couldn't believe what Supergiant was saying, it made no sense at all. But the hollow cheeked woman (If you could call her that) before her was insane for sure. Maria watched as the woman lifted her hand and ran her black gloved pointed digits down Maria's face with a psychotic smile. She was going to die.

Suddenly, Supergiant gasped in shock, her eyes widening in horror. Maria was very confused as she felt herself regain control of her body once again, stumbling forward as she had wanted to do before. With shaky breaths, Maria put distance between her and the figure, holding her hands out in front of her in case Supergiant moved but she didn't. She had no idea why.

"Control of your soul is stronger than your mind."

Once again, Maria's head snapped around to find another being in her lab. Another person she had never seen before. This figure however was dressed in a white armour that had red outlines and what resembled a white Ant-Man helmet ... and the Avenger symbol lay on the left breast plate. Who was this?

Maria watched from a distant as this unknown figure walked in front of Supergiant, suddenly the helmet disappeared revealing long brunette hair but Maria couldn't see their face.

"Your soul is mine" the new figure spoke, their voice sounding awfully familiar. Maria watched as this other figure lifted their hand and held it out towards Supergiant. Maria slowly began moving around the pair in order to see who this new person was but as their face came into view Maria's eyes locked onto the completely golden eyes of the person. Her eyes glowed golden as did her outstretched hand. Maria's eyes snapped to Supergiant as the alien creature suddenly had a golden aura for a moment before the aura shattered the moment the new figure closed her fiat. Supergiant suddenly collapsed to the floor in a slump. "No soul, no life."

Maria had no idea what had just happened but from the looks of it, Supergiant was ... was dead!

"Maria? Hey Maria are you alright?" Peter's voice echoed in Maria's ear. His voice breaking the silence that had surrounded her. Without moving her eyes off of the scene before her, Maria clicked her earpiece, unmuting the object.

"Err ... yeah, yeah I'm ... I'm fine" Maria said, her mind not even close to being on Peter. "Give me a moment." Once again Maria silenced herself from Peter and concentrated solely upon the figure in white. Suddenly, the figure's eyes stopped glowing golden and her true brown eyes were revealed. Maria's eyes widened further at the sight, she couldn't believe who was before her, she had to be dreaming. Maria even found herself pinching her skin with her thumb and forefinger as she locked eyes with what should have been the impossible.

The figure smirked and cocked their hip out at Maria's reaction. Silence reigned as the two just stared at one another before seriousness radiated across the figure's face catching Maria's attention despite her shocked state. With a pointed look, the figure stepped one step closer to Maria and announced

"I just saved your life now you are going to do something for me..."


I know I have probably confused a lot of you but Supergiant was in the comics (I know a little about her) and you will find out who the other mysterious figure is later on but yes the figure is wearing the Avengers' white suits from Endgame.

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