Chapter Five - I need Spider-Man

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Maria wouldn't deny it, she kind of enjoyed the random praises she was getting off people throughout the day for her actions in gym class. It was a rare sight for Flash to get knocked on his ass and it seemed people had enjoyed the phenomenon. Hell, even Ned and Peter were impressed, though Peter of course had tried to argue that she didn't need to step in. Sweetly enough it wasn't because he thought he could handle Flash better than her but it was because he didn't want Flash to start picking on her. However, the school day had to end at some point and Maria had to get back to the tedious task of trying to find out where the alien-tech weapons had come from. From the footage at the ATM robbery and the conversation the robbers were having, Maria had deduced that a group was selling these weapons in Queens somewhere. She knew that the weapons had remnants of Chitauri technology and Ultron technology in them that was clearly concerning.

Whilst she had searches running through DODC files, scanning for break ins or robbery attempts, Maria was scanning the city for any signs of the alien energy signatures but there was quite a bit dotted around, it was going to take some time to search the areas. So far, she had found several warehouses that seemed to be holding some stuff, interesting a handful of them were supposed to be empty. Considering she had no idea how long the alien-tech weapons had been being sold for god-only-knows how many weapons were out there.

At that moment, Maria was looking into one of the warehouses, lucky for her there were cameras across the street but she couldn't see into the building properly. In saying that, Maria was 80% certain there was some sort of alien weaponry in there and she wasn't exactly sure what to do.

One: she could contact the police ... but Maria knew they had no idea what they were dealing with, hell Maria didn't know what she was dealing with. So many people could get hurt that way.

Two: she could contact the police and be completely wrong, wasting everyone's time.

Three: she could contact Spider-Man and get him to have a look but she couldn't do that, he was probably busy.

Four: she ... could check it out herself.

With a shrug of her shoulders, the girl jumped to her feet, grabbed one of her hoodies along with her phone and left her room. All she would do is have a little peek inside to see if there was anything of interest before she left. Nothing too dangerous right?

It didn't take long for Maria to make her way to the abandoned warehouse but one thing was for certain, she had not expected the place to be quite so gloomy in the evening time. Standing on the other side of the street, Maria lifted her watch and scanned the warehouse for any heat signatures. Quickly, the scan came back clean, there were no bodies inside. It was time.

Nodding, Maria made sure her hood was up properly, and her technology was hidden from view – people would try to grab her tech if they knew. With her head down, Maria made her way to the warehouse. It was easy enough to find a door she could lightly kick open without bringing any attention to herself. Swiftly, Maria was making her way into the warehouse that was ... empty. So, it wasn't a base of operations for anyone. Whilst Maria had expected this it was still unnerving.

Since the warehouse was big and she was alone, Maria activated her watch again and started scanning the place for the power signatures she was following. Quickly, a signal was picked up in the warehouse. With her watch as a guide, Maria began to make her way through warehouse. There was definitely something here.

Maria's footfalls echoed around the dank warehouse whilst she moved through the corridors and endless empty rooms. It wasn't long before Maria could spot a ... dim glow. Knocking off her watch, Maria followed the purple light. Soon enough the young girl was pushing open a door and stepping into a small office like room that had a familiar item on a table, it was the Anti-Gravity Gun she had seen in the ATM robbery that was still glowing purple. Lifting her watch, Maria scanned the weapon. Within seconds, Maria had a hologram of the weapon and its compartments. From the scan Maria was able to confidently state that these were weapons using both normal and alien technology and that this particular weapon was using a Chitauri core as the power source. She had to run more tests on the weapon to truly know what they were facing and to understand the limitations of the alien-tech.

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