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"So ... you know I'm Spider-Man"

"Of course I know. I made you that suit after all"


"This. Is. Not. A. Game. You could have died! I can't afford to lose you! I won't lose you. And if I have to lock you in your room for the rest of your life to make sure that I don't lose you then I will!"

"I'm s-sorry"


"Hey, Suit Lady. I kind of feel bad calling you "Suit Lady," you know? Do you have a name?"


"So ... I have to give you one?"

"If you like"

"How about ... Liz? No, no, no. God, that's – that's weird. How about ... Maria? She did make my suit."


"Nah, I can't do that, that's weird as well. What about ... Karen?"

"You can call me Karen if you would like"

I Am Karen - Spider-Man / Peter Parker [1]Where stories live. Discover now