Chapter Thirty-One - Arrival Of The Enemy

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It did not take long for them all to get aboard the quinjet once again. Vision was practically healed externally but internally the process was far from complete, Maria had checked on him before they boarded the plane but there was little more she could do. Everyone was silent and worried; Vision and Wanda sat together again, her worry for him clear whilst Vision kept sending knowing glances at Maria – he knew she thought they should destroy the stone, a thought he still agreed with as well; Sam was once again piloting the aircraft whilst Rhodes and Steve sat beside one another talking; Maria also spotted Bruce and Natasha speaking with one another in a corner of the craft, catching up again. She even spotted the subtle smiles Natasha kept giving him – his disappearance had hit her extremely hard but it looked like the two of them were reconciling. Everyone had someone but Maria sat alone, her hand clasping the handle of a large black case she had brought – it contained the only chance she had against Thanos, the only chance she had to live.

Eventually, Steve was moving towards Sam in the craft as they neared their final destination. Maria shifted her position on her chair so that she could see out of the front of the plane better, only to find that they were flying over a forest. It was beautiful from the air but they looked like they were cruising pretty low. If the flew any lower they would smash into the treeline.

"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0" Steve ordered. Maria gasped in shock. That would place them right into the forest – what was Steve doing? Releasing the grip, she had on the suitcase, which really had cramped her hand, Maria stepped forward and gently grabbed Steve's arm.


"Don't worry" Steve interrupted with a smile. Sam followed Steve's instructions, placing his whole trust in his friend.

"I hope you're right about this, Cap" Sam said, "Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to." Steve could only smile as he looked back out of the pilot's window. Maria frowned as she followed his lead, she began to cringe as they flew nearer to the trees (almost on top of them) but suddenly Maria noticed hexagons opening up before them in the middle of the landscape. The quinjet effortlessly flew through. Maria's jaw dropped open and she scoffed in joyful surprise. Wakanda had a camouflage forcefield protecting it. As they flew through the shield Maria saw that they were no longer flying over a forest but instead fresh, clear water.

Maria shuffled forward to get a better view of Wakanda. It was beautiful; stunning lands all around with a very modern city amongst it all. The tall buildings spoke words but the untouched nature around them told everyone Wakanda was one with its nature.

Swiftly, the quinjet was landings at an airfield outside what Maria assumed was the palace where a group of people were marching out of. It was small group of bald women warriors with spears in their hands (the Dora Milaje – the all-female special forces team of Wakanda) stood behind a black man dressed in an expensive black Wakandan suit – Maria recognised the man's face. He was King T'Challa of Wakanda, he was the Black Panther.

On the bay door was opening everyone got ready to leave. Whilst everyone walked out of the quinjet, Maria stayed back for a moment, she knelt down beside her case and laid it on the ground. Popping open the side she opened the case and took a look at its contents. Each piece of the technology was in place, it was all there ready to be used – she just had to hope it would work. Sighing heavily, Maria took a moment before she reached out slammed the case shut, locked it up and got back to her feet, the case securely in her hand.

Finally, Maria was walking down the ramp to join the rest of her family in meeting T'Challa. As she came up behind them, T'Challa spotted her and moved so that he was in front of her. She immediately saw the look on his face, it was one of sympathy. Maria gave the king a smile in greeting.

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