Chapter Twenty-One - To Save The Little People

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Maria had to admit it, Liz and the rest of the Homecoming Committee had done a wonderful job on the decorations throughout the school and hall (where the dance was being held). The place was subtly decorated with big star lights and hanging draping lights from the ceiling; a huge blue, gold and white balloon arch near the entrance; streams of the same colours hung from the ceilings too; the tables were decorated with rectangular dark pictured lights that further set the mood - it was a simple scheme that had been executed well. Maria liked it. As she made her way through the hall, she was surrounded by girls in short beautiful dresses of all kinds whilst the boys were dressed up in suits looking charming to say the least. Maria always thought there was just something about males in suits.

As she ventured further into the room, Maria was able to spot her best friend and her date by the side of the dance floor. Quickly, Maria made a beeline for them. Michelle was wearing a beautiful dress that began white and had yellow flowers bleeding up from the bottom with her hair pulled back into a subtle up-do. Maria was really liking her look. Meanwhile, Ned was stood in a white suit with a light blue shirt, and red dotted bow tie that finished the look. Of course his flower matched Michelle's dress.

The closer Maria got the more she realised how happy the pair looked. Michelle was actually smiling - it was small but there - Ned was beaming as usual. Eventually, the pair spotted Maria walking towards them. They both gave her a smile and wave though Michelle did add in a middle finger.

"Maria, you came" Michelle said with a raised eyebrow. Maria knew what that was about - she had said she wasn't attending.

"Yeah. Forced to" Maria explained with a nod of her head. Michelle knew that that was through Pepper's doing. For a moment the trio fell into silence but Maria noticed Ned was practically bouncing.

"Doesn't she look great?" Ned said gesturing to Michelle. He was clearly happy to have Michelle on his arm for the night. Michelle of course rolled her eyes but Maria could just about see the blush that was resting on Michelle's cheeks - she knew her best friend well enough to know that Michelle was blushing and she enjoyed the compliment though would never admit it.

"She does and so do you, loving the hat" Maria replied with a smile and gesture towards the item in question. He did love his hats and no one could argue with that. Ned smiled brightly at Maria's compliment which made Maria herself happy – she liked her friends to smile, after all she had lately only see scared and sad faces it was nice to see someone happy and carefree ones. It didn't take long for Maria to think of Peter; she scanned the hall for his familiar face but, to her dismay, she couldn't see him anywhere. "So, where's Peter?" She assumed his best friend would have the answer to that question but Ned wasn't the one to answer.

"Peter's..." Michelle started catching Maria's attention. But as Maria looked at Michelle, she knew that what Michelle was about to say was not going to make Maria happy. Maria spotted the guilt in Michelle's eyes (over not being able to warn Maria sooner) and the hurt she felt for her – both looks worried Maria. "... got a date." Maria wasn't quite sure how to take that news.

"Oh" she replied downtrodden. Though Ned missed the sadness of her tone and the sudden way her eyes dropped to the floor, Michelle caught it all. Ever since, they had built the LEGO Death Star, Peter and Maria's friendship had gotten as strong as ever with Ned and Michelle even starting to complain over how much time they were spending together. Maria had ignored her feelings for the boy but upon hearing that he was going with someone else to Homecoming Maria felt the jealousy, disappointment and hurt run through her. However, she was in public and had to hide such feelings. Taking a deep breath, Maria lifted her head and looked directly at Ned asking the question she really didn't want the answer to. "Who?"

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