Chapter Twenty-Eight - The Children of Thanos

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"FRIDAY, evac anyone south of 43rd Street. Notify first responders" Tony ordered as he studied the spaceship before them. The spaceship was causing one hell of a dust storm down the street and it was hard to see anything especially with Maria's hair flying in front of her face. There were a few people left darting between the abandoned cars that dotted the roads, clearly having come to a skidding stop. Maria tried to see what she was looking at but it was very difficult.

The dust storm attacked Maria everywhere, she felt the cold winds billowing through her skinny jeans, trainers and green fitted-checkered shirt. She really wished the wind would stop. Suddenly it did. Maria frowned in confusion – the spaceship was still running and spinning and yet the chaotic wind had ended. Looking around Maria sought an answer and quickly found it. Strange was stood behind her his arms outstretched. He had clearly done something, as had her father noticed. Strange winked at her dad whilst Tony turned away as an impressed smile touched his face – though he would never admit that.

Suddenly, from the spaceship a beam of blue light projected down to the ground and in that light two forms appeared. Both were larger than normal human beings but one was tall, thin and gangly whilst the other was what Maria could only describe the creature as an ogre in stature and looks, he resembled the ogres out of folk tales.

"KAREN who are they?" Maria asked as she studied them from her position beside her father.

"Searching" KAREN answered. It took mere seconds for the AI to identify the two aliens that stood several feet in front of them. "On the left is Cull Obsidian, a member of the Black Order and considered a Child of Thanos." Maria's eyes flickered over to the giant creature. It rivalled Hulk in its height and size but it had scales for skin like a reptile and tusks coming out of its mouth. Its armour was heavy and black but the huge hammer, that looked similar to a pickaxe, made Maria scared. That weapon with the creature's strength behind it would do some serious damage. "He is a savage brute who is known for taking personal pleasure in the elimination of enemies. He is one of the strongest creatures in the universe rivalling that of Thanos and he wields a chain hammer." However, KAREN had finished with her descriptions.

"On the right is Ebony Maw, a member of the Black Order and another Child of Thanos. He idolises Thanos lifting him to a level of god. He is the most loyal Child of Thanos having never failed the warlord once." That didn't sound good. Maria studied Maw. He resembled a man expect he had no nose but a flat surface between his beady eyes and mouth. He was tall and thin and was built bigger than humans. His large bony hands freaked Maria out especially. His skin was grey and wrinkled and the little white hair he had was on the back of his skull dropping to his shoulders. "He possesses telekinesis and is incredibly smart. I would be careful, Miss Stark." Telekinesis was a dangerous power to say the least. There was virtually no escape from such a power.

The five heroes stood waiting for Maw and Obsidian to move. Strange was beside Tony and Tony was beside Maria knowing he had to keep her safe.

"Hear me, and rejoice" Maw began to speak, his voice echoing across the silent street. What surprised Maria was the alien spoke English! She hadn't expected that. The two aliens were not at all surprised to see the heroes before them, were not surprised to see humans standing up to them which also intrigued Maria. "You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to -"

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today" Tony interrupted, having heard enough of the alien's spiel. "You better pack it up and get outta here." Apparently, Tony's abrupt manner did not go well with the alien who suddenly turned his attention to Strange.

"Stonekeeper" Maw started much to Maria's confusion. He knew Strange had the stone but how? Strange hadn't opened the Eye outside and Maw had never been to Earth. Maria slowly but surely pieced the truth together. Thanos and his followers had done exactly as she had done. They had researched where the stones were, who had them and from the looks of it, earth's defenders as well. "Does this chattering animal speak for you?"

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