Chapter Three - Spider-Man Is Fighting The Avengers

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Once Maria was back home in her lab, a cup of tea in her hand, she tried to forget about Mr Delmar's comments and concentrated on her science homework. Unfortunately homework was a necessity. In the background, on her computer, she had the Baby Monitor Protocol open streaming everything Spider-Man was seeing alongside hearing. As usual, Spider-Man was helping anyone and everyone who needed: from helping an old lady with directions to catching a bike thief. That was one of the things that Maria loved about Spider-Man, he fought for everyone and was willing to help anyone in whatever way he could.

Soon enough night had fallen and Spider-Man's nightly call to Happy came through. Maria turned her head slightly towards the monitors even though her gaze was fixated on the last piece of homework she had to do - she proceeded to split her attention. Her eyes were focused on the grey lines that covered her white piece of paper whilst Spider-Man explained his day to Happy. As usual there was nothing of great importance to report, no big threat that would have everyone's backs up. Once the call had finished Maria returned to her work.

However, it wasn't long before Maria's head was snapping around to face the monitors as alarms began blaring on her screens. Frowning Maria got to her feet and moved over to her monitors. Strange energy readings were being picked up downtown on 21st Street. Energy readings that resembled those of the Chitauri, back from the Battle of New York.

"What the -?" Maria whispered as she began tapping away on her computer pulling security feeds from the area and trying to figure out what was going on. Soon enough the videos were streaming to her computer and Maria's eyes widened in shock. There were four thieves breaking into an ATM using guns, weapons that were glowing purple and blue. It was these weapons that were giving off the energy signatures. Immediately, Maria thought that someone was combining alien technology with human tech but it seemed absurd ... yet the proof was before her.

That's when it got way worse. Maria watched as Spider-Man walked into the ATM. Maria didn't think this was a good idea. These weapons were not normal and she did not want to find out what they could do to be honest. However, her worry soon turned to a laugh as she watched Spider-Man silently close the ATM door and position himself against it. All the while, three of the robbers were emptying the ATMs whilst one was stood watching out the windows for any sign of trouble.

"What's up, guys? You forget your PIN number?" Spider-Man asked, at the sound of his voice the four thieves turned to look at him and froze for a moment. Maria had hacked into the ATM security feeds and couldn't believe what she saw. The robbers were wearing Avenger masks: an Iron Man, a Captain America, a Thor and a Hulk. And it seemed that Spider-Man also had noticed this. "Whoa, you're the Avengers. What are you guys doing here?"

Whilst one computer screen had the feed up, Maria had another screen searching for the weapons and where they could be bought. Someone was making high-tech weapons and they had to know about it. Maria heard the scuffle that was happening inside the ATM causing her head to snap back around to face the video footage. Spider-Man was making his usual quips as he fought the bad guys which brought a smile to Maria's face. It shouldn't have but it did.

"Iron Man. Hey, what are you doing robbing a bank? You're a billionaire."

Suddenly Maria's computers were picking up a call running through to the emergency services, someone was calling 911 from within a few hundred feet of the ATM. Maria immediately thought it was someone calling about the break in and consequent fight that was taking place and she wasn't wrong. Opening up the call, Maria listened in on the conversation.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"Uh ... Spider-Man is fighting the Avengers in a bank on 21st Street" said a voice that sounded an awful lot like Mr Delmar. Tracking the call, Maria found that it was Mr Delmar who was phoning 911, the signal was coming straight from his shop. The operator immediately dispatched police to the location but Maria had an awful feeling that an ambulance would be needed. Spinning around to look back at the feed to the bank Maria watched in shock as one of the robbers grabbing a gun that had three prongs to it, that ended in circular pads aimed it at Spider-Man. From previous footage Maria had guessed it was some sort of Anti-Gravity Gun with a Chitauri core. Quickly the Captain America robber activated the device catching Spider-Man in mid jump. Spider-Man was surrounded by a blue forcefield that held him tight.

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