Chapter 11

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(still editing)

Kate's POV

"It has only been a few days since the incident at my house and Zane has ghosted school again.

It seems this his new-found behavior has started to become a normal norm for him which was really getting me upset

why was he so distance all of a sudden was he still mad at me for going to lunch with Josh, which was none of his business for the record

i'm gradually getting drowned into a deep abyss by his ever changing behavior

Kate are you even listening to me," Emma said irritated as she snapped me out of my invading thoughts of Zane Blac

Yes Emma What's with you of course i'm ", I said

OK then what was the last thing I said, "Emma asked as so glare angrily at me

Uhmmm okay fine i actually wasn't listening to you, I was looking for someone," I said fixing my eyes tightly on the cafeteria gate

Let me take a wild guess," Emma said with her arm crossed.

it's Zane again right because Zane hasn't been in school for days and you researching for him right." she said with her eyes scanning mine for the truth

oh no, I wasn't looking for him, "I tried to deny it as i felt quite embarrassed trying to hide my already pink face."

Then you won't mind if I said he is right behind you," Emma whispered and i jumped immediately in shock

I swiftly turned my head immediately to find him right behind me, with his eyes solely fixed on mine and his beautiful face trailing my entire body that i felt exposed to him which made me look away in an instant

Zane's eyes never left mine as it locked me deep into the endless abyss of himself , his eyes showed pure amusement as he was clearly enjoying the effects his looks had on me that a smile no it was more of a smirk came to play so freely on his face as he tried to tease me without even trying to say a word

Looking for me," he smirked as he crossed his arms so effortlessly with those beautiful eyes of his still solely fixed on mine

i see you are already tired of Mr nice guy, and you want a piece of this," he said smirking

(Cocky bastardy )... i screamed to myself

Hey princess ..... Are you going to say something or just stare at me like always?" he asked as he moved a step closer to me

I wasn't staring okay , I just ... I stopped mid-sentence when I saw some bruises on both of his knuckles

seeing him hurt like that broke something in side me ,as i moved closer to him in other to get a better look

How did that happen, "I asked him holding his hands to look at it

it's nothing," he said as he looked away from

Why are you not telling me the truth Zane?"I yelled sounding a little bit frustrated

You know it's really non of your business princess, so just let it go okay," he said rudely as he pulled his hands away from mine

Fine", I said walking away immediately feeling so hurt and rejected

"I was really worried about him and the least he could say was it was none of my business, if this is what he wants I won't bother him anymore, " I thought to myself as i wiped the tears that was threaten to fall


"I was sitting in the courtyard, trying to understanding how and when his words started affecting me this much, even why were they affecting me at all?

"From the day I knew Zane he had always been rude to me and has always treated me so badly, but why does it hurt so much now?

"Is my feelings for him changing or was it that kiss we shared that was just messing with my head, I don't know what was happening to me right now, but it was bad, and I really don't want to feel this way about him anymore

"He and I are so different, we are like different poles of a magnet, a relationship with him would be chaotic and a disaster

I see you are daydreaming again Kate ," Emma said taking a bite off my chicken sandwich

What fuck......... Emma that was mine, "I said grabbing the rest from her weren't going to eat it anyway, it would just have been staring at you in the face begging you to eat it

But wait is not my fault you are always daydreaming about Zane and you forget to eat," she said giving me the sink eye

Great Emma just great," I said irritated walking away


I was walking to my locker to put my things back before my next class when I heard a weird sound coming from somewhere, normally I'm not a nosy person but I was curious so I followed the voice

I stop when I heard a moan coming from one of the classes, I didn't want to go any further as not to invade any one's privacy, but as I was about to turn back I heard Zane's voice and I couldn't help myself from entering into the class

What I saw there was enough to break my heart, Zane was kissing some random girl wildly

I looked at them so stunned as I felt a piercing pain in my chest,Zane soon looked at me with so much amusement in his eyes as if he wanted me to see him kissing that girl

that was when I started crying so hard as I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"I couldn't breathe as my legs were shaking threatening to give phone suddenly fell from my hand's which made them stop whatever they were doing with the girl looking at me so confused and surprised and Zane clearly loving the moment as he looked at me so intensely

i wanted to moved to get away from here but as much as i wanted that my whole body betrayed me with my legs firmly glued to the floor

all of a sudden Zane started to looked at me with guilt in his eyes as he was about to reach to touch me

i immediately flinched as i moved back trying to be far away from him as possible with the tears flowing non stop like a river

I'm so sorry,'' I muttered in a low tone as i turned around and ran away from there as fast as my leg could carry me

"I couldn't think straight as I kept on running not knowing where my legs were taken me too as all the images of Zane and I, and Zane and that girl kissing were running through my mind none stop

"My legs continued taken me to an unknown destination not wanting to stop for anything when it hit me

"I have really fallen for Zane Blac....this is insane"

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Breaking Zane Blac. //COMPLETED//[But Not Edited ]Where stories live. Discover now