Chapter 17

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Zane's POV ...

'' What the fuck Kate!

Do you want to kill me, "I said trying to dodge the shoe Kate was throwing in my direction.

When did her shoe come off, "I thought to myself

How dare you say that to me dickhead....... how dare you..." Kate said throwing the other shoes at me angrily

''but why was she reacting like this , it was just a simple suggestion for a way to solve our little problem sometimes i just don't understand her

what was wrong with having a no strings attached kind of relationship since she said it was just mere attraction between us

but to be sincere it was a joke , i was just trying to mess with her a little

''because i knew deep down that i just could settle to be just friends with benefit with her

hey princess.... Listen to me first okay, I was just kidding," I said grabbing her hands to prevent her from hitting me any further

don't you dare call me princess one more time and i don't have to Listen to you.... Pervert!" she shouted as she struggled to set herself free from me

You are such a slime ball," she said punching my shoulders

"Ouch," Kate I'm no such thing, "OK!!!
(yeah maybe I am a little)

Oh goodness Zane, how cheap can you be, how could you say that to me," she said as she glared at me angrily

Princess.......... ! I chuckled lightly trying to reach out to touch her

I didn't say you must have sex with me princess , we can just be friends who kiss on a regular basis, "I said now laughing really hard

okay I was just messing with you, so don't be mad at me okay," i murmured in a low tone as i reach out again to touch her but she only flinched at my touch

Friends?... Who is your friend? you must be really high on whatever you have been taking lately," Kate said through a gritted teeth

Enemies then...'' I huffed in annoyance as she was now getting on my nerves

How about enemies with benefits, it has a nice ring to it, "I said looking at her knowing she was gradually getting more irritated and i loved it

''I just love making her mad, when she gets angry she looks so hot, and when she fights with me every time, oh my goodness I fall more and more for her

You know what we're nothing.... not enemies, not friends........ we are nothing to each other !" she yelled

Oh calm down, you don't have to answer right away, just take your time love, "I continued to tease her

I'm not your love you douche bag," she snapped

Damn girl , you look so hot when you are mad," I said bringing my hands to her face

'' Flinching at my touch, she took a step back creating a distance between us

So you don't you think I can get a guy for myself? Do you think I'm just like any other girl that would willingly give their self to you?" she asked in a more serious tone

What.....? No you know I don't think so ,you know I was just teasing you right," I tried to explain to her

Just stop it Zane

I can find someone better than you, I think Josh would be a great choice," she said looking away

"What's really wrong with this girl, what ever I say or do , she considers it wrong, I said I was just joking but she can't just accept it cause of her stupid ego,".i said to myself

Breaking Zane Blac. //COMPLETED//[But Not Edited ]Where stories live. Discover now