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(Still editing)

Kate POV

"It was still strange not waking up in the morning and not seeing a good morning text from Josh, as strange as it may seem I kinda gotten used to those texts and sweet words that made everything feel so much easy

"Yes that was the word "Easy", Josh made everything feel that way, but I had to face my ugly reality, we were broken up and there is no coming  back from that

"I was in a relationship with him for all the wrong reasons, hoping that I would one day love him like he loves me, but deep down I knew that possibility was too far fetched

"I used him, and I would continually hate myself for that

I broke out of my miserable thought, looking around my foggy darkroom which I hadn't left since Josh and I broke up

"The air in here felt suffocating with my anguish and pain, so I decided to go out and get some fresh air, and not think about all the possible ways I kinda destroyed my life

"So I decided to go to the one place that also felt just like home


"I chained my bicycle to the rake, making my way into MAMA J's Cafe, I took my seat at my favorite spot which was close to the window, as always Alex the blonde hair waitress came over to take my order

"Hi there Kate, what can I get you today," Alex asked smiling

"Your biggest chicken burger, large fries, and a large cola please, "I answered her forcing a weak smile on my face

"Is Someone planing on eating their feelings? She asked with a hint of concern in her eyes

"You got that right Alex, food some times help to ease the hurt one is feeling, "I said looking away

"Kate, I know you are stronger than you think," she said holding my hand smiling down at me, and I would get your food right away

"I nodded my head looking out of the window, lots of thoughts and questions running through my head – would Zane even care that I broke up with Josh? would he even try to make things work between us after all we had put each other through? Those unanswered questions kept roaming around in my mind that I didn't know my phone was ringing

"Won't you answer that I heard Alex say putting down my order

"Oh shit, I didn't even know it was ringing, "I hurriedly picked up my phone not even checking to see who was calling

"Hello," I answered

"Where the hell are you? You had me so worried. I heard Emma scream through the phone

"Tell me where you are now, or may God help me I would track your sorry ass down

"Calm down!!, I just needed some time away from everyone, and everything okay. So that you wouldn't kill me am at Mama J cafe, "I told her

"She is at mama J cafe, "I heard her scream to someone else there with her

"That's much better," She said chuckling softly, see how easy it is to cooperate with me," she continued laughing really loud now

"Just stay there am coming to you," she said hanging up

"So much for been alone with my thoughts," I said to myself

Few moment later, Emma arrived with Cali and Cherry, who I think is Cali's little sister who just returned to town, rushed up to my table crushing me with hugs before I could even say a word

Breaking Zane Blac. //COMPLETED//[But Not Edited ]Where stories live. Discover now