Chapter 2

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Kate's POV...

it has been almost a month here  in this school and it wasn't getting any better, i was already tag the school's new girl and everybody avoided me like a plague 

but in everything i just couldn't stop myself from thinking about my Greek god Zane Black, cause after that first day i laid my eyes on him i haven't seen him again 
,which made me wonder even more if he was even real to begin with or was my mind playing some kind of silly games on me."i thought to myself as i consciously scanned the room for any sign of him , i internally prayed to myself for me to see him just once to make my day much better 

Time today was as slow as it could be and all I wanted to do was to go home and cuddle up on the couch with my favorite blanket and a cup of hot chocolate and watch the full season of Girls, but a girl can only dream right

Lunch was in a few minutes and I had to get some things from my locker as I had two lectures back to back after lunch

Hey girl what you doing ? lunch is almost starting and there is a long line for chicken wings," the girl with blonde hair said smiling from ear to ear

I'm Emma snow by the way..... School cheerleader and student body president, " the blonde hair girl said tossing her hair to the back with a huge smile on her face

I'm Kate smith, the new girl " I said extending my hand to the blonde cheerleader, but instead, I was crushed by a bone-crushing hug

Nice to meet you Kate, so I was thinking you should totally hang out with me and my crew at this new Pizza Hut after school , so that I could introduce you to everyone," Emma chirped happily clapping both hands 

Oh thanks so much for the invitation, but I don't think I can make it , I have a lot of homework to finish," I said politely declining her offer

but babe homework can wait, but your social life can't, you are new here so you need to meet new people, so it's final you coming," Emma particularly order

But......... " I tried to protest but the look on her face was scary and convincing in many ways

OK then it looks like I really don't have a choice here, I will be there," I said smiling

"Seeing the excitement on Emma's face was priceless, she looked like she just hit a billion dollars jackpot

OK new friend , so it's settled I'm picking you by 6 pm, text me you home address Asap," she said reaching out for my phone to typed in her number

"OK babe lunch await 


It was 6:15 pm and Emma wasn't still here yet, she was 15 minutes late and I was getting a little bit impatient which made me to really rethink going to this Pizza Hut or whatever they call it, I really hate it when I'm late to anything

10 minutes later the doorbell rang,as I was in the kitchen making myself some comfort food to suit the fact that my new friend was late

So I quickly strode to the door  and peeped through the peephole only to see Emma smiling back at me and hopping back and forth on one leg

I really wanted to make her wait outside, just as she had made me wait for so long, but on a second thought I decided not to, cause her waiting outside will result in me being even more late

so i opened the door swiftly only to be crushed in a bone tight hug by Emma 

"Hey girlfriend, sorry I'm late had some issues with my brother about the car, he can be unbearable something, but the good thing is that I'm here now right," she let out so fast I could barely get a word she was saying as she pushed herself past me and into the house as she suddenly went straight for my food 

"Emma you are really late, you know, so can we please be on our way "I let out sounding a tad bit frustrated

"Relax babe, we will be on our way soon enough let me just finish this meaty filled goodness first," she let out with her mouth filled with my sandwich  

"Back up! " that's my sandwich you are munching on," I said giving her a hard glare

Emma ignored my constant glare as she rolling her eyes at me, she swiftly turned back and continued eating

"OK i think that's enough for now ! I said pulling her up from the chair

Can we go now please,"I finally let out again

"Fine," only because you sound so adorable nagging me like that," she said while downing the last bite of the food 


A few minutes later we were finally at the Pizza Hut, Emma found a nice parking space to park and we made our way inside

The place was so beautifully decorated in orange and silver, and there were also little pizza man toys on each table which made it super adorable if you ask me

"Emma where are the people we are suppose to meet ," i asked nervously as my heart was currently beating out of of control 

Relax Katie, you would get to meet them soon enough and i'm very sure they would all like you very much," Emma said assuring me with every word 

Soon enough Emma led me to a table at the far end of the restaurant, which was overseeing the other tables in here

Hey guys," she greeted the other people sited at that table

I want you all to meet my new friend her name is Kate," she said pulling me down to sit right next to her

And Kate meet the crew this is Emily, josh, Christian, Haley, Cali, Danny, Zoe and finally Zane, she introduced them.

Hey," I greeted nervously as I waved my already shaking hand to them, my gaze  wandered around hopelessly and soon it fell on the last person which was none other than my Greek god himself

My trouble...

Zane Black 

Another chapter
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