Chapter 32

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(still editing)

Kate POV

"After my yesterday with Zane I didn't have the will to get up from bed nor the energy to go to school, all I wanted to do was to close my eyes, and wake up when all my problems were ancient history, and Zane must have forgiven me

But a girl can dream right, Zane hates me and he showed it quite clearly yesterday, deep down a part of me wanted him to care just a little bit that I broke things off with Josh, to hug and kiss me that we can finally be together but the look in his eyes still sent shivers down my spine

"I felt fed up with my feelings, wanting so bad to gain his forgiveness, but anything he does just made things edgier and kind of lost

"But I don't blame him, I blame myself, allowing my head to do the thinking instead of my heart, ignoring all the signs my heart kept telling me to give it all up for him. How stupid was I, now I did lose him for good

"Kate!!! My mom yelled my name bursting into my room

"Why are you still in bed young lady, you supposed to be getting ready for school," she yelled dragging me off the bed to the showers

"Get ready quickly, you don't want to be late

"But Mom.....

"No, but Kate, you going to school and that's final, your breakfast is already set okay," She finished leaving the room

"Just great...

Still not feeling up to anything, I just put on a plain black jeans and an oversized hoodie, putting on my hair in a messy bun

The weather wasn't really helping the way I was feeling, as the freezing cold weather hit really hard on my skin, but I kept on walking with the hope that the weather might actually freeze my heart so I wouldn't feel a thing anymore


My day passed by slowly as I went from classes to classes, so desperate to just get back home and find some comfort in my room

My head was spinning, I really didn't want to see or talk to anyone even Emma, was on my No list - but the universe still hated me so much as I immediately saw Emma and Cali walking towards to me

I wanted to hide my face in my locker, not wanting her to see the despair and depression obviously written all over it

"Hi girl," she smiled

"Lost you at the club last night, what happened to you?" she said looking at me as if she was checking for something

"My Mom called had to leave, I'm sorry," I said lowly

"So you left in your bicycle right, cause we all came in one car," Cali interrupted

"Yes I did, "I said smiling obviously leaving out my unfortunate encounter with Zane

Okay great babe, you had us so worried you know, thank God you got home in one piece," Emma continued still looking at me as if she could read through my lies ,which I knew she obviously could

The next moment, I suddenly heard students outside shouting and cheering

"Fight, Fight, Fight"

"What the hell is going on out there, "I asked tiring to look through the window

"Why don't we go and see, I do love a good brawl ," Emma said dragging both I and Cali outside obviously really interested in the fight

Getting closer to the cheering crowd, I suddenly heard Josh's voice saying something, but it wasn't clear enough because I still wasn't close enough to hear him so well

Breaking Zane Blac. //COMPLETED//[But Not Edited ]Where stories live. Discover now