Chapter 12

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Still editing.

Zane's POV

How did that happen," Kate asked looking quite worried as she took my hands in hers to look at my knuckles

It's nothing," I said pulling my hands away from her , i obviously won't tell her I practically punched a wall because I was jealous she went out with Josh

Why are you not telling me the truth??? She asked I could see a hint of worry in her eyes

"now she is worried, she was the one who left with Josh without thinking twice" i thought to myself

You know it's really none of your business princess, so why do you care ," I said a bit irritated

she wanted to say something, to protest but i cut her off bringing my finger to her lips shutting her up as i smirked waiting for her reaction

Fine," she yelled angrily walking away towards the cafeteria gate

She couldn't even push harder?"I said to myself,

"I'm here killing myself over Josh being so close to her and she doesn't even care," i let out a frustrating sigh

she was going to be the death of me and i just knew it


I wasn't in the mood for lunch today, as the thought of Josh being so close to my princess was killing me literally, I haven't been myself since that day

as the mere thought of it was messing with my thought sinking me deep into an unknown abyss

" I really didn't know why i felt like this, she had never said anything to me neither was she committed to me in any way but the mere thought of her with someone else was gradually becoming the death of me

"I really didn't like feeling this way," I said to myself punching the board with my already bruised knuckles

Hi handsome, what got you so worked up, a girl with a golden brown hair asked

I'm Beth, by the way, I know you might not know me," she said moving closer to me as she trailed her fingers over my face

You know I can relieve you of that stress you feeling." she continued as she brought her lips to my ears kissing and sucking it

" i was used to this kind of attention from girls as i often had my hands filled with them on a daily basis but recently my princess was all i could think about as i saw no other girl but her

But I didn't know if it was still the stress of her chosen Josh, or It was just me being my stupid old self , but I allowed her to kiss me allowing her to make me forget about Kate

"Soon I heard the door open, and Kate was standing there looking so stunned, I could see the tears rolling down from her cheeks as she was shivering where she stood

as i smirked wanting her to feel what i felt when she chose Josh

"Her phone instantly fell from her hand which made Beth pull away from me,

But Kate didn't move she just stood there shivering.

"Did I cross the line???..before I could do anything, she ran out

"l ran after her calling her name but she did no stop she just kept on running.

Kate's POV...

'' I couldn't stay in school anymore, so I sneaked out and went home

"After taking a bubble bath, I felt free. Free from this irritating and frustrating feeling.

Breaking Zane Blac. //COMPLETED//[But Not Edited ]Where stories live. Discover now