Chapter 13

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Zane's POV...

"I broke the first thing i could lay my hands on as the anger consumed me whole , i didn't know what to make of what she just told me but i was sure of one thing that josh would have to pay for this

pacing back and forth the room allowing my thoughts to run wild , i still couldn't believe she actually kissed that shithead

No she can't do this to me, she never would"I concluded shaking my head

'' But thinking about it, why would she lie we have nothing between us other than my ever growing feeling for her and that stupid project that brought us together

"But how could she kiss Josh!"I screamed silently to myself allowing the anger to run freely within me

I just have to put an end to any of this , i had to teach him a lesson not to mess with other people property

'' Reaching my room I had no idea what to do so I called Christian as i pulled out my phone scrolling through her pictures, i had a million of them (which I took when she wasn't looking anyways)

I always look at her pictures whenever i'm feeling good or bad, tensed or calm, her smile and the way she always wrinkled her nose is enough to make my day

That smile belongs to me and no one else......'' i screamed to myself clenching my fist in pure rage as i was able to smash my phone

but all of a sudden my door opened and i saw christian walk in with a huge smile on his face

Man what's up ,"Christian greet running up to my direction preventing me from smashing my phone

Woah.... calm down Bro, If you don't want that man, i'm always here to have it, "Chris said grabbing the phone from my hands

Get out now," I barked at him

What the fuck happened to you , you called me here moments ago remember....." christian asked looking at me in pure confused

scanning my face for a moment christian smiled as if knowing what was wrong with me

it's Kate.... isn't it , Did you fight with her again? " he asked still with that smiling on his face

Hearing her name flipped a switch in my mind as i was yet again consume by anger

that I flipped the wooden table that was right in front of me in frustration

She kissed him, "I said not liking any word of it

Kissed who man?" Christian asked now looking confused

she kissed that good for nothing ass wipe Josh," I said searching my head for reasons why she would do that

Josh? Chris asked looking confused and horrified,

are you really sure Josh and Kate kissed," he asked again now pacing back and forth the room

Why would she lie, "I barked at him as i saw the reasons in his eyes

So what are you going to do now , please don't do anything you would regret ," Christian pleaded trying to calm me down

i'm going to have teach him a lesson not to mess with what is mine..."I said slamming my hands on my table

Kate's POV...

"What have I done.....what was I thinking telling Zane that I kissed Josh.....Damn it

I know Josh and Zane weren't that good friends, but the expression on Zane face was so scary and dangerous, what if he goes and do something stupid like beating Josh up

Zane can be crazy like that, "I thought to myself

"I realized just after that moment i told him that I was crazy for saying such nonsense

"What should I do?"i asked myself over and over again

"Should I call him and tell him I was lying? no he would never let me live it down

"I would just call Christian to talk him out of whatever he had planned to do

yeah! that sounds about right


"Reaching school my first instinct was to find Josh before he is found dead somewhere as my heart was seriously beating so hard in my chest it felt like someone was firing bullets at my heart

Where the hell is Josh, he usually everywhere but now that I need him he is nowhere to be found

"I was still on the hunt for josh, when I heard a voice which I never wanted to hear, few students talking about Zane fighting in the field...

Damn it I'm too late...'' i said to myself

I ran immediately in the direction of the field with my heart already in my mouth as i pleaded to the universe to help me

Getting there and seeing Zane punching and hitting Josh in the face again...and again.. and again, made my heart almost stopped working there and then

Zane leave him alone , you are going to kill him , "I pleaded pulling at his arm to get him to stop but nothing he kept on throwing one punch after the other at him

just fucking let him go, I was lying okay , "I said now with tears rolling down my face

(damn it I'm crying now)

Don't you dare lie to save this jerk....'' Zane continued punching him in the stomach.

No... I'm not lying you fool, he didn't kiss me, "I tried to explain

I didn't know you would react this way just let him go

Did you kiss her jerk face," Zane growled and asked Josh while trying to give him another punch

Yeah I did kiss her," Josh said with a stern expression.

What! has he gone mad.....does he want to die..." my inner voice cried out to me

You don't have any right over Kate you know, you two are nothing to each other," josh spat out venomously

He really wants to die"I concluded

You know what you are right," Zane said as the realization hit him

she was never mined and never will be," he said finally letting go of Josh and stormed out

I wanted to go after him but on a second thought It was for the best to give him some space

Zane can be unbearable when he is mad.

But why did I have to lie to him

I'm such an evil person and a terrible liar at that

As i finally realized it was my turn to apologize now

(i made the matter go from bad to worse in a swift second)

Breaking Zane Blac. //COMPLETED//[But Not Edited ]Where stories live. Discover now