Chapter 39

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(still editing)

Kate's POV

We soon got to my house and all I wanted to do was to go to sleep and forget any of this ever happened, to forget that I almost died today, to forget Zane had lied to me all this time, I just wanted to forget it all and hit the reset button

Hey, are you okay, "I heard Zane's voice say bringing me out of my gloomy thoughts

I couldn't bring myself to express the emotions I was feeling, I wanted to shout, scream or even break something but I couldn't bring myself to let out the anger I felt inside

Hey, you need to talk to me Kate, "he said taking my hand in his

I know you have many questions and am ready to answer them all, but you just have to talk to me first, "he looked at me with so much concern in his eyes that made me scared

He hates me, why does he seem to care now," I asked myself

"Duh" You were kidnaped by his psycho father, that can change a lot of things, "my subconscious taunts me

Why did you lie about who you truly were? Why didn't you tell me you were that heartless man's son Zane or should I call you Cal now?

I couldn't help but feel so much anger towards him; his lies put us in so much danger

"I could have been killed.

"Fuck" Zane groaned hitting the steering wheel really hard

You know I never meant for you to be roped into my darkness, I had always wanted to keep you far away from this life as possible.

"You have to believe me.

"Do you remember back at the beach house? when you saw me so mad ripping down some posters on the street wall," He asked

"Yes I remembered that day, but what does it have to do with any of this

The man on that poster is my father, the man who kidnapped you, "he said looking at his feet

That's was why he looked so familiar, I knew I had seen him somewhere but thinking about it, how was that even possible; the man on that poster was a tech billionaire, not a criminal? I asked really confused

That company was just a front for his cartel to use and launder their illegal money

Remember I told you my father left me and he left me that cabin you came looking for me in a while back

"Yea, "I nodded

"That's wasn't the case, my dad never left, I sent him to prison years back but I didn't know he was out until I saw him on that poster

He wasn't a good father Kate; he destroyed our family and left my mother very miserable

The cartel was everything to him that he neglected my mother and me. He even started training me to become the next leader after him but I never wanted that life for my mother and I, "I just wanted to be an artist," he said

"I could feel that him telling me this was taken a lot from him

"Zane, "I called out to him touching him, you don't need to continue if you don't want to, "I said robing circles on his palm unintentionally

"I need to tell you this, okay, so let me, "he said looking at me in the eyes, his eyes carried a lot of burden and pain that pierced deep into my soul that I just wanted to hug him tightly and tell him everything would be alright

Breaking Zane Blac. //COMPLETED//[But Not Edited ]Where stories live. Discover now