Chapter 1

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This book has not been edited, so forgive the grammar errors ?


Kate's POV...

"Moving to a new town is so exhausting, you have to drop your old friends and make new ones, people say that moving to a new place was a great chance to give way for new beginnings and do away with the old ones 

"But I never really liked change very much, I loved the way our old house was, loved going to my old school and hanging out with my friends at our favorite ice cream parlor ,I hated that I couldn't get to do those things anymore now that I had to move here with my mom

Depressed and anxious as those thoughts kept on trailing in my head as I made my way to the counselor's office, my first 30 minutes here at Oakwood high was already hell as it is, and now I have been called to the counselor's office for some reason, I really do not know

"Good morning MA," I greeted the middle-aged lady at the front desk, she was a little too old for her age if you would ask me, but she still looks pretty all the same

"So what your name young lady, i'm guessing you here to see the counselor, I am Mrs green by the way," the middle aged lady said

My name is Kate smith," I said smiling from ear to ear

"I was called here but I really don't know why I just started here so I don't think i'm in any kind of trouble,"I said trying to look as innocent as possible

Relax Miss Smith, the counselor's just wanted to learn about your progress here at Oakwood high and how we can make your stay much better, so just take your seat and wait for your turn

"My progress here , I have just been here barely 30 minutes ,''I said to myself rolling my eyes as i took my seat not knowing what next to do.

I took out my phone in a desperate attempt to entertain myself as i started scrolling through my social media page , while also listening to Maroon 5, I really couldn't get enough of his songs, they really gets to me," i said smiling to myself
A few minutes later totally engrossed in my music, the door of the counselor's office flung open breaking me out of my peaceful state and out came the most beautiful being I have seen with dark brown hair, ocean blue eyes, athletic height and body of a Greek god

He wore an all-black T-Shirt with a ripped jeans and an all-star snickers, with his hands running wild in his hair brushing them in place

He was definitely created on a Sunday, "I said to myself as he strode out of the office

"You may go in now , Miss Smith, the counselor would see you now,"i soon heard Miss Green call out to me bringing me out of my invading thoughts about the Greek god who just walked pass

I hurriedly stopped my music and made my way to the office within, the office was lightly decorated but definitely fitting for the person sitting in it

Sit Kate," the man at the opposite chair said to me

he really doesn't look like a guidance counselor but he looked more like a Russian mob," i said laughing to myself  

Anyways our conversation passed by really quickly not that I was listening anyway, he kept on talking about staying away from bad influence and whatnot.

"Thank you, I will definitely take that into consideration during my stay here, "I said smiling

I will have to leave you right now, i have a class in 10 minutes," I said practically running out of his office

Waving goodbye to Miss green as I was about to leave the main office

"Kate..."Miss green called out for me

"Can I give you a bit of advice, you seem like a good young girl with a bright future ahead," she said with a more serious look on her face 

Thanks a lot Mrs green but I have a class to attend soon and I really don't want to be late, so can we be quick with this word of advice,'' i said nonchalantly as i really didn't have time for what she had to say 

Stay away from Zane Black, that boy is definitely trouble," she spat out


"Stay away from Zane Black,''that was all i could think about as i made my into the school hallway 

"but I didn't even know who he was, i'm new here and how would I know who Zane Black was," I thought to myself

Can this day get any worse than this," I groaned to myself

i'm supposed to stay away from a trouble named Zane Black which for the record I have never seen before

Ugh," I sigh to myself as i walked into my next class taken a seat quickly, the class was soon filled up with students chatting and laughing

I took out my history book for the class and waited for it to start

A few minutes later the bell rang and the class started, a young lady introduced herself as the history professor and started the lecture

I'm Professor Chelsea Cane and today lecture will be taken from page 35 of your text, but first I would like to introduce a new student in our class who just transferred here

So Miss Smith come up here and introduce yourself , tell us which school you transferred from," she continued

Walking up to the front of the class nervous as hell, I stood there with shaky hands saying

I'm Kate Sm-it," i stuttered nervously , but then all of a sudden the door swung open revealing the most perfect creation I saw this morning in the counselor's office, his carriage is definitely like no other he walks with all splendor just like a Greek god he is

He strode into the class and took his seat at the back of the class ignoring the teacher standing in front of us

So nice of you to join us, Mr. Black, the teacher addressed him but he said no word

"Oh my, he is the same stud i saw this morning ,and the same one I was told was definitely trouble, He is Zane Black , "I thought to myself

"Kate... you were saying something before we were rudely interrupted, "the teacher said bringing me out of my daydream of the "Greek god" sitting right there

All done Prof, "I said trying hard to hide my embarrassment

Time went by quickly and soon enough the class came to an end

All the students hurriedly left the class and soon enough the class was empty, but there was only one person left in here with me

'Zane Black' 

"Hello I'm Kate smith," I said nervously

"I just moved here and I'm new at this school, i kind of saw you this morning at the counselor's office," I said extending my hand to him for a nice hello

But before I knew it, he just stood up packed his bag and left me there with my hands still out 

"God he is so rude, or did I blab cause I tend to blab when ever I am nervous," I said to myself

well it's his loss because I would have made a great friend

Breaking Zane Blac. //COMPLETED//[But Not Edited ]Where stories live. Discover now