Chapter 1

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** Welcome to the sequel to DEAD TOWN!! If you haven't read Dead Town, you will need to do that first. Or this story will make absolutely no sense at all. :)


Was this how it felt to be non-existent? A suffocating darkness surrounding your soul. A darkness that was blacker than black.

Muffled sounds too muffled to make them out. Were they the sounds of his friends? Lost in the darkness like he was. 

He tried calling to them but he could make no sound.

He felt helpless. Floating in a sea of darkness.

Adam. Where was his Adam? He made him a promise that he would find him. But how?

He couldn't see. He couldn't speak. He couldn't move. Just lying in a vegetative state.

The sounds seem to be getting louder. A faint sound of beeping? His eyes were heavy, too heavy to open. Fear begins to take hold as the beeping gets louder. 

"Adam? Adam, where are you?" He manages to whisper as a tear rolls down his cheek.

"Oh, my God!!" A female voice says. "Mom, look!!"

"Honey, go find a nurse." Another female voice says. 

The voices seemed so familiar. Was it Jenika? Olena? Kelsey? Sami?

"Sweetheart? Do you hear me?" The female asks in a soft voice.

"Is there a problem?" A male voice with a thick accent asks.

"He's crying and we thought we heard him whisper something." The female says.

"No, Adam." Tim whispers in a hoarse voice, due to the tubes that were removed just a few hours earlier.

"Adam?" The doctor asks. "Did he say Adam?"

"We don't know an Adam." The lady answers shaking her head.

"Mr. Foust? Do you hear me? Do you know where you are?" The man asks.

"No." Tim answers quietly as another tear rolls down his cheek.

"You are at the Houston Methodist Hospital. My name is Doctor Alapat." The doctor says as he closes the curtains to darken the room some. "You were airlifted here with a head wound."

"I died." Tim whispers.

"He could be hallucinating from the pain medication." The doctor says to the women. "Mr. Foust? Can you try to move your hand? Or try to open your eyes?"

Tim tries to open his eyes but they were just too heavy and his arms felt as if they weighed a ton. He did manage to move one finger.

"It may take a little while for him to respond more. His brain has been inactive for three weeks. It's kinda like, the brain is having to reboot itself." The doctor says. "He'll probably be confused. Maybe even unaware of what happened."

"But you said there was no brain damage, right?" The lady asks.

"None. Your son was very lucky, Mrs. Foust." Dr. Alapat says as he writes something on his clipboard. "I'll be back in about an hour to check on him."

'Son? Mrs. Foust? How can this be?' Tim's mind was trying to process what the voices were saying. 'I'm supposed to be dead.'

As his mind slowly starts to clear, he recognizes the sweet voice of his mother. As hard as he tried to open his eye, he just couldn't.

"M..m." Tim whispers.

"I'm right here, Sweetie." Dena smiles softly as she takes his hand. Emily wipes her tears then lays her hands on her mother's shoulders.

Tim slowly closes his hand around her small hand. Dena smiles as she wipes a tear with her other hand.

"We've been praying so hard for you, Honey." Dena says as she gently rubs his cheek. "God has answered our prayers."

All Tim wanted was to see his mother's face. Was this all just a dream?  Was he missing his mother so much that she's speaking to him in a dream? How could this be? There was no sleep in Dead Town.

He whimpers quietly at the thoughts of leaving Adam behind. The memories of Dead Town, his lover and his friends flood his mind. Tears roll down his cheeks as he once again tries to open his eyes.

He had to know.

"Oh, my God." Dena whispers as she watches her son's eyes slowly open.

Tim sobs as he stares at his mother's beautiful face.

"Welcome back." Dena smiles through her tears.

"It's.. It's not a dream." Tim whispers hoarsely as he reaches up and rubs his thumb across his mother's face.

"No, Sweetheart, it's not a dream." Dena says as she brushes his hair back from the small bandage on his forehead. "Baby, you've been in a coma for three weeks."

"Three weeks? No." Tim says slightly shaking his head.

"Tim, you were shot three weeks ago. You've been in a coma ever since." Emily says as she rubs her big brother on the shoulder.

"How's he doing?" The doctor smiles as he walks in.

"He's awake." Dena smiles as she looks around at the doctor.

"Hello, Tim." The doctor smiles at the obviously confused patient. "You gave us all quite a scare. We came close to losing you several times. You are a very lucky man."

The doctor continued as he explained to Tim about his injury. How the bullet missed all the major parts of his brain.

Tim zoned out on what the doctor was saying as his mind tries to comprehend how he could only be in a coma for a few weeks but he was in Dead Town for years. What was going on? He felt as if he was in an episode of 'The Twilight Zone'.

Dead Town was real. He knew it was. His love for Adam was real. It was not a dream. The love they made was not a dream or a hallucination from the anesthesia.

He glances at his mother as she held onto his hand as she listens to the doctor. Could he tell her? Would she think he was crazy? It was a story that was going to be hard for anyone to believe. Unless you experienced it yourself.

"Any questions?" Dr. Alapat asks bringing Tim out of his thoughts.

"Uh, no. I don't guess." Tim answers quietly.

"Well, I have another patient I need to go check on. If you need anything just press that button." The doctor smiles as he leaves the room.

"Were you even listening to the doctor." Emily giggles as she raises Tim's bed a bit so he would be sitting up some. Dena pours him a glass of water and puts a straw into it and hold it up to his mouth. 

"You did look a little zoned out." Dena smiles as Tim drinks some of the water.

The cool liquid wetting his dry throat. He couldn't help but think that this was the first drink of water that he's had in years.

"I'm just... I just feel so confused." Tim says before taking another drink. 

"Well, if you had been listening, Brother dear, the doctor said that there may be confusion." Emily says as she sits down on the side of the bed. "That was three weeks that parts of your brain weren't even working. They had you on life support to make sure that you kept breathing."

"Three weeks? I was shot?" Tim mumbles as he closes his eyes and tries to remember. Visions of a beautiful blond laying in bed with him. His memory was fuzzy and he couldn't see her face. Who was she? As his memory became clearer and the vision cleared, his eyes open suddenly. "Jenika."


There you have it!! The first chapter of "RESURRECTION"!!

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