Chapter 19

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"I thought this was the desert. Isn't it supposed to be warm?" Tim says quietly with a shiver as he and Adam head to their rental car in the early morning hour.

"That's the way the desert is, Sweetie. Hot during the day and cold at night." Adam replies as they get into the car.

It was still very dark and very quiet. Only a dog barking in the distance could be heard. The glow of the full moon cast shadows on the ground.

"You know, this is kinda creepy." Tim says as he drives along the deserted road. "Not a car or person in sight."

"Well, it's only about three thirty in the morning, on a Sunday at that, so who did you expect to be up?" Adam chuckles.

"I don't know. It just seems so dead." Tim says. "Like ... nevermind."

"Like Dead Town?" Adam asks as he gazes out his window.

"Okay, let's change the subject." Tim chuckles nervously.

"So what do you think Rob will say about the place we found?" Adam asks as he turns his head to look at his lover. He couldn't help but smile at his handsome face being illuminated by the dashboard lights.

"Well, he seemed pretty positive about it. But I'm still worried that it's going to cost too much to renovate everything. Some of the places look pretty rundown." Tim sighs.

"And then there's the water and electricity. Yeah, Rhyolite had the power lines and water pipes but what shape are they in now?" Adam adds.

"Exactly. I'm trying not to get my hopes up but it's really hard." Tim says as he stares at the highway before him. "Especially when you see how excited the others are."

"Yeah, Avi is already planning his garden." Adam chuckles.

"That's what I mean. What if this falls through, they'll be heartbroken." Tim says.

"Don't lose faith, Sweetheart." Adam says as he reaches for Tim's hand. "If it falls through, we'll just keep looking. We'll find a place."

Rob's plane was not scheduled to land until seven. They were running ahead of schedule so they stopped and had a nice breakfast before getting back out on the road.

"Wow." Adam says as he stares at the cities skyline. "Would you look at that."

"D*mn good thing we have GPS." Tim chuckles. "We'd definitely get lost."

"The city that never sleeps." Adam says as he looks around trying to take everything in.

"Unlike Beatty." Tim laughs. "We'll have to come back someday and check out some of the sights."

"Definitely." Adam nods.

Tim breathes a sigh of relief as he pulls into the parking lot of the airport. Driving in big cities was a little nerve-wracking for him.

"Is it too late to mention that I haven't been to too many airports in my life?" Tim chuckles as they walk inside holding hands. "If Jenika hadn't taken charge I probably would have ended up in Bumf*ck, Egypt instead of Minnesota when I was looking for you."

"Relax, I got this." Adam laughs.

Soon, they found themselves waiting at the terminal for the bearded doctor.

They scan the crowd as the passengers unloaded from the plane.

"There he is." Adam points as he sees Rob exiting the terminal. He was walking with the use of crutches.

A huge smile comes across his face as he sees his friends walking toward him.

"Hey, guys." Rob says as he hugs each one tightly.

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