Chapter 8

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Tim holds up his hand as Adam and Jenika begin bombarding him with questions. He stumbles over to the bed to sit down. Leaning over, he rests his head in his hands. Realizing for the first time that he was NOT in the best of shape.

Adam and Jenika exchange worried looks as they walk over and sit down on either side of him.

"Sweetie? Are you okay?" Adam asks as he rubs him on the back of the head.

"Just give me a second to catch my breath." Tim says with a nod.

Jenika runs to get him a cup of water. Tim drinks half of it before looking up at their curious faces.

"Okay, not only was she able to find Austin but also she found an address for Rob and Kelsey in Minneapolis." Tim says with a smile.

"Don't you mean DOCTOR Lundquist?" Jenika asks with a smile.

"What? Rob is a doctor?" Adam chuckles.

"I found a newspaper article that read, 'Doctor Robert Lundquist and wife returns home'." Jenika answers.

"That's awesome. Minneapolis is not that far." Adam says. "But right now, we need to get out of here before mom gets home."

They quickly load all of Adam's belongings into the trunk of the car. Adam hugs his dad goodbye then hops into the car.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." Adam giggles, putting Rob's address into the GPS as Tim pulls away from the Rupp's home.

Once out on the interstate, Adam takes Tim by the hand, kissing it. Tim smiles at him then turns his attention back to the highway.

"I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead yet." Tim says suddenly after a brief moment of silence.

Adam looks at him questionably before looking back at Jenika in the back seat. She, too, has a puzzled look on her face.

"What are you talking about?" Adam asks. The sudden thought that maybe Tim DID have some brain damage entered his mind.

"You just asked me what were my plans after I found everyone." Tim says as he glances over at his lover before looking back at the highway. "But I don't know."

"Oh. My. God." Adam says. A complete look of shock on his face as he stares at Tim.

"What?" Tim asks, giving him another quick glance.

"Adam, what's wrong?" Jenika asks from the backseat.

"Honey, I never said a word but that's exactly what I was thinking." Adam says.

"You didn't just ask me?" Tim asks with a confused look.

"No, I never opened my mouth." Adam answers.

"He never said a word." Jenika confirms.

"Holy sh*t." Tim says as he stares at the highway.

"Did you bring some of your powers back with you?" Adam asks.

"I don't know. I just know that I heard you, plain as day, ask me what the plan was after we found everyone." Tim says.

"That's what I was thinking but I never said it." Adam says, shaking his head.

"This is awesome." Jenika giggles. "What am I thinking, Tim?"

Tim chuckles and shakes his head while rolling his eyes.

"Jenika, I can't read ......" Tim stops mid-sentence as he hears her voice loud and clear. He looks into the rearview mirror to see if she was talking. She wasn't. "Oh, my God." He whispers.

Silence falls among them as the two blonds wait for him to finish what he was saying.

"You want to know when are we going to stop and eat." Tim says slowly.

"HOLY COW!!" Jenika squeals from her seat, grabbing Adam by the arm. "HE'S EXACTLY RIGHT!!"

"How can this be happening?" Tim asks, shaking his head.

"How can any of this be happening?" Adam asks. "It's all just too crazy to be real but it is real."

"Well, to answer your question, Jenika, we're almost to Minneapolis. We'll grab something to eat before we head over to Rob's." Tim says with a smirk as he glances into the mirror at the smiling blond.


"Wow, nice house." Tim says as he pulls into the circle drive.

"Maybe I should have been a doctor instead of a disc jockey." Adam says as he stares at the beautiful mansion before them.

"This is beautiful." Jenika says as they walk up the sidewalk of the perfectly manicured lawn.

"Are we supposed to pull our shoes off before we go in?" Tim asks as they reach the front door. He's answered by a couple of shrugs.

Taking a deep breath, he rings the doorbell.

The door opens and an older lady with a kind face smiles at them. From the way she was dressed they figured she was a housekeeper/maid.

"Can I help you?" She asks with a soft friendly voice.

"Uh, yes, is Rob here?" Tim asks.

"Who may I ask should I tell him is here?" The lady asks.

"Tim." Tim answers. The lady waits as if she's waiting for the last name. Tim knew that Rob didn't know his last name. "Uh, just tell him that Mayor Tim is here." Tim chuckles lightly at the lady's puzzled look. "He'll understand."

"Okay?" The maid smiles. "Just a minute."

Rob and Kelsey sat out on their patio enjoying the sun and a glass of tea. Rob has his broken leg propped up on a stool. Kelsey sat next to him with her arm in a sling.

"Mr. Lundquist?" The maid says as she walks out on the patio. "I hate to disturb you but there are a couple of gentlemen and a young lady here to see you."

"Did they give a name?" Rob asks.

"Only one. He said his name was Tim." The maid answers.

"Tim?" Rob asks as he tries to think of anyone named Tim that would be stopping by.

"Uh, he said to call him Mayor Tim?" The maid responses in question form.

He quickly looks at the maid as his face drains all color. 

"Oh, God." 

He hears Kelsy say softly. Slowly looking around at his wife, meeting her eyes. They had spent every minute since waking from their comas convincing themselves that it was all just a dream. Hallucinations from the medication.

"Mary, did you say Mayor Tim?" Kelsey asks when her husband seemed to be to shock to speak.

"Yes, Mam. Tall, long brown hair, very handsome with beautiful brown eyes with a very deep voice." The maid said with a slight smile. "The other man had long blond hair tied back in a ponytail also very handsome and the lady had long blond hair and very pretty."

"Oh, my God." Rob says as he rubs his forehead. "Kelsey, how can this be?"

"Should I send them away?" The maid asks.

"NO!" Rob answers quickly shaking his head as he reaches for his crutches. "Sorry, didn't mean to shout. Please. Show them in."

"So it was all real." Kelsey says quietly after the maid walks away. "That has to be Adam and Jenika with him."

"Leave it to Mayor Tim to hunt everyone down." Rob chuckles as he stands and puts the crutches under his arms.

"Rob? How the hell are ya?"

Rob freezes at the sound of the familiar bass voice.


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