Chapter 21

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That night, they all gather in Tim and Adam's hotel room to discuss the plans for the train station. They needed an idea to give to the contractors the next day.

Jenika drew out the floor plans while the others made suggestions. Things began to come together pretty quickly. The building was big enough to supply all their needs. Kitchen, dining room, two shower rooms, two bathrooms, laundry room, two storage rooms (one for food and one for other supplies such as toilet paper, detergent, etc) and even a space for a living room. The included large basement was a big help.

"Since Chris, Chance and Nate have carpentry skills, they should go to each house with the house's owner and write down everything that will be needed." Tim says as he pops open a beer. "I know some houses will need a lot more work than others. Structure-wise, the bottle house seems to be okay but the walls could use painting."

"What about the electricity? Are you going to need power to all the homes?" Rob asks. "They're supposed to come out tomorrow."

"I think, for right now, just the train station needs power. I mean, they might could run lines to each home, but until we find jobs we can use generators." Tim answers.

"And each homeowner should be responsible for having their electricity turned on." Adam adds.

"The same needs to go for water too. Some of the houses are equipped for water and some aren't." Austin says.

"True." Tim nods. "Once the houses are finished, we need to go back to our original homes and pack up anything you left behind. Clothes, furniture, your vehicles, personal items, anything. "

"Yeah, we'll definitely need our cars." Chance nods.

"I have stuff in storage that I need to get." Nate says. "But I don't have any furniture since my apartment was furnished."

"Well, for those who don't have any furniture such as beds, we can use the money that Rob gave us to get furniture with." Tim says.

"I have a king size bed that I won't be able to use in the caboose so someone can have it." Avi says.

"When Sami and I found out Y'all were coming to get us, we put all our furniture in storage." Olena says.

"We'll see what everyone has once we all get back here. Will that work?" Tim asks as he looks around at everyone nodding their heads. "We got a long day ahead of us tomorrow so we need to get some sleep."

"Oh. There was one thing that Mr. Douglas told me that you guys need to know." Rob says as he stands with his crutches.

"And what's that?" Chance asks.

"There are rattlesnakes in this area so everyone needs to watch out for them." Rob warns.

"Snakes? Oh, that's just really great." Adam says, shaking his head. "I hate snakes."

"You're not alone, Adam." Jenika says.

"Mothballs are supposed to ward off snakes." Avi comments.

"But they stink." Olena replies.

"Well, would you rather have snakes?" Avi chuckles.


They were eager to get started the next morning. But things were needed. After a quick breakfast, they head to the store with a list that they had made the night before. Things like dust masks, a cooler, ice and plenty of water, a notebook to write down the supplies that would be needed, work gloves, among other things. And of course, mothballs.

Tim bought himself and Adam machetes just in case the mothballs didn't work. In his mind, the only good snake was a dead snake. Adam totally agreed.

Rob, Jenika, Chris, Nate and Avi had gone ahead to the property to meet the contractors and the utility companies.

"We could really use my El Camino right now." Chance laughs as he tries to fit everything they had purchased into the trunk of the rental car.

"We could use all of our vehicles." Tim nods as he fills the cooler with drinks and ice.

"What if my mom won't let me have my stuff?" Adam asks as he hands Tim a case of water.

"We'll figure out a way. Your dad would probably help." Tim says.

"Yeah, I need to call him." Adam nods.

"Who is going to be working on the guest house?" Sami asks as she helps Chance rearrange things in the trunk to make room for the cooler.

"I think Rob is going to have the contractors work on it along with the train station. He knows the rest of us will have our hands full with our own houses." Tim answers.

"You know, we couldn't be doing any of this if it weren't for him." Austin says.

"That's true. He's definitely an angel in disguise." Tim smiles as he closes the trunk. "Let's go."

"LOOK!!" Olena yells with excitement as she points to a utility truck working on the power lines leading to their property.

"D*mn." Tim says with a soft chuckle as he brings the car to a complete stop. They all stare at the man working on the power lines. "This is really happening." He adds as he glances around at the others in the car. "It's like the realization just hit me."

"I know." Chance nods. "We've talked about it. Made plans. But to actually see the plans in motion. It's surreal."

"We're seeing our dream come true right before our eyes." Adam says as he watches the lineman.

"Look! There's more!" Sami giggles as they see several vehicles sitting in front of the train station.

There was a truck from the water department, another utility truck from the electric company and several trucks that were thought to belong to the contractors.

Chris, Nate, Avi and Jenika were busy taking down the gated fence around the station.

"Well, let's get to work." Tim chuckles as he straps the machete around his waist. "There are several houses with fences around them. We'll start on them. Just please, watch where you step."

"Y'all would have to pick the hottest place on earth to call home." Rob chuckles as he limps out of the station on his crutches.

"But isn't it beautiful? Just look at those mountains." Sami says as she hands him a bottle of cold water.

"That, I have to agree." Rob nods. "It is gorgeous here."

"So what did the contractors say about the station? Are the plans going to work?" Tim asks.

"Yep, they said that they could make it just the way we wanted." Rob says as he wipes the sweat from his brow. "I was fixing to carry a couple of the workers over to the guest house."

"Just as soon as we get these fences down, Chris, Chance and Nate can start making a list of the supplies we'll need for each house.

"I can stay for another day or two but then I need to get back to Minnesota. I have a doctor's appointment. Hopefully, I'll get this cast off my leg." Rob says. "It's still too early to go back to work so Kelsey and I may fly back out to help. I think that she's almost excited about this place as you guys are."

"That's great. We need all the help we can get." Tim smiles.

"Well, Mr. Mayor, have you thought about what you're going to call your little community?" Rob chuckles.

"Well..." Tim laughs and shakes his head. "I kinda figured that since you're putting the bill for everything, that you should be the one to decide on the name."

"Really?" Rob says as his expression gets serious. "Tim, I don't know what to say."

"Just please don't say Lundquistville." Austin laughs.


Please VOTE and leave a COMMENT if you enjoyed the chapter. What do you think Rob will name their community? ( ObsessedwithTidam, be quiet)

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