Chapter 16

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Tim talks to Avi for a good hour. Getting caught up on what had been going on and their future plans. Avi's parents were very supportive of him. His brother and sister, not so much.

Avi put Tim on speaker phone as he told them about the place they had come across. He warned them several times that the buildings needed a lot of work. But that didn't seem to phase them. They were still excited to see the place.

"Listen, Timmy, I don't care if it's a cardboard box. As long as we are all together." Avi told him.

Tim told them to meet them in Beatty, Nevada. Get hotel rooms and he and the others would be there just as soon as they pick up Chris.

"He wants to talk to you." Tim says as he hands his phone to Adam.

"Hey, Avi. How's it going, man?" Adam smiles as he puts the phone to his ear.

"Much better now. Soooo, how was it?" Avi chuckles.

"How was what?" Adam asks, not sure what he was being asked about.

"Oh, come on, Blondie. You know exactly what I'm talking about." Avi laughs.

"Actually, I don't." Adam says as he watches the scenery out the window.

"I'm talking about sex with that handsome boyfriend of yours. Actual body contact. Skin on skin. I know you've already done it." Avi chuckles.

Adam quickly glances around at Tim. He was leaning forward carrying on a conversation with Chance and Sami. 

"Uh, yeah, we have." Adam answers in a quiet voice. "And it was unbelievable."

"Did you top or bottom?" Avi asks.

"Aviii." Adam whines.

"Enquiring minds want to know." Avi chuckles.

"Seriously, Avi?" Adam hears Jenika in the background.

"I topped. That's all you're getting. Bye, Avi. See ya soon." Adam says quickly before ending the call. He chuckles quietly to himself before turning his head and meeting the brown eyes of his lover.

"Really?" Tim asks with a raised brow.

"Oh, sh*t." Adam mumbles with a worried look on his face.

"Honey, you've got to learn to ignore Avi's interrogations. He'll drive you nuts with questions." Tim says as he takes the blonde by the hand and kisses the back of it. "Just tell him to f*ck off."

An hour later they were entering the town of Boulder.

"Guys, how do I break the news to Chris that he and I are brothers?" Adam asks.

"I'd wait a little while. At least until we get settled." Chance suggests.

"Do you think he'll be upset?" Adam asks.

"Why would he be upset? It was no fault of yours. Honey, you just found out yourself." Tim says. "I think he'll be happy to find out that he has a brother."

"I do too. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Once we get settled just sit down and talk to him." Chance says. "He'll understand."

They all laugh as they pull up to the address to see luggage sitting on the front steps.

"Would I be correct in saying that he's a little eager?" Sami giggles.

"Looks that way." Tim laughs as they get out of the car.

The door opens and Chris comes hurrying out wearing a huge smile.

"This has been the longest couple of hours of my life." Chris laughs as he grabs Tim into a strong hug.

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