Chapter 5

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After making a couple of quick stops by the pharmacy and to drop Emily off at her apartment, Dena and Tim head home.

Tim looks out the window thinking not much, if anything, has changed in their small town.

"Nothing has changed." Tim says, more or less talking to himself.

"Well, Honey, you were only in a coma for three weeks." Dena says with a giggle. "What were you expecting?"

"Oh, I keep forgetting." Tim says with a chuckle. "Feel like I've been gone for years."

"Emily and I moved everything from your apartment to my house before the landlord put a lock on the door." Dena says rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, I was supposed to pay him the rent. He was an asshole anyway." Tim says as they pull into Dena's driveway.

"It's nice to have you home where you belong." Dena smiles and kisses her son on the cheek.

"Mom, I'll soon be thirty-seven. Most thirty-seven-year-olds aren't living with their momma." Tim grumbles as he gets out of the car.

"Well, I'll enjoy your company. This old lady gets lonely at times." Dena pouts.

"Don't they play Bingo down at the Senior Citizens Center?" Tim chuckles.

"I'll make you think senior citizens." Dena laughs as she hits her son with her purse.

Tim walks into the house and looks around. His mom's home always made him feel safe and loved.

"Are you hungry?" Dena asks as she makes her way to the kitchen.

"Actually, I am pretty hungry." Tim nods as he follows her.

"I'll call us in a pizza since I haven't been grocery shopping in three weeks." She smiles.

"Pizza sounds great. It's been years since I've had pizza." Tim chuckles as his mom rolls her eyes.

"You things are in your old bedroom if you want to rest a little while." Dena says as she picks up her phone.

"I'm fine but I will go check out my room." Tim says as he turns and heads upstairs.

Tim smiles as he walks into his old room. It was exactly the way he had left it when he moved out years ago. Except for the addition of all his clothes hanging in his closet, his keyboard sitting in the corner and his laptop sitting on his desk. He walks over and plugs his laptop in to charge. He would be doing a lot of research on it later.

He chuckles as he looks around at all the posters still hanging on his walls. Alabama, Shania Twain, Kenny Rogers, and of course, his favorite, an autographed poster of The Oak Ridge Boys.

"TIM! PIZZA IS HERE!!" His mom calls from downstairs.


After finishing their lunch, Dena had hoped that her son would lie down and rest. But he wouldn't listen, as usual. 

Tim was obsessed with the thought of finding his lover. He gives Jenika a quick call to let her know that he was at home. Twenty minutes later, she was knocking on the door.

After they both receive a scolding from Dena that they both need to be resting, they gather around the dining room table with their laptops ready to get to work. 

"Mom? How do I go about finding someone? I have no idea how to begin looking for Adam." Tim says.

"Well, what do you know about him?" Dena asks.

"He was a disc jockey at a country music radio station where he lived." Tim says as he closed his eyes to recall his and Adam's conversation. "In Mankato, Minnesota."

"That shouldn't be too hard. Get on the internet and search the radio stations in Mankato. The station probably has a website." Dena says. "What's his last name?"

"Rupp." Tim answers. "I know all of their last names but Chris. It just won't come to me. I feel like maybe his name has been changed."

"We can just work on the others first." Jenika says.

"Wait. Rob and Kelsey also live in Minnesota but they live in Minneapolis." Tim says.

"What's their last name? I will start seeing if I can find something on them." Jenika says.

"Lundquist. I can't figure out the time-frame. I was the first one. I went into a coma three weeks ago but I was in Dead Town for years. So, that means all the others had to have had their accidents sometime within the last three weeks." Tim says as he stares at the screen of his laptop.

"Give me a name and where they are from and I'll help." Dena smiles. She was beginning to get excited about this investigating.

"Austin Brown from Tipton, Georgia." Tim says as she mother jots down the information and then runs to get her laptop.

"We can also check the local newspapers." Dena says as she begins to type on her computer.

They all fall silent as they begin their research.

"Oh, my God. I found something." Tim says, his eyes widening with excitement.

"What'd you find?" Jenika asks as both ladies lean over to look at Tim's screen.

"Real Country 103.5 KYSM-FM in Mankato. There's an announcement that one of the disc jockeys, Adam Rupp, was injured during a hold-up at a local quick-stop six days ago. He's at home resting comfortably." Tim reads with a smile on his face. "Sending prayers for a speedy recovery. Oh, God. There's his picture."

Tim covers his mouth as his eyes fill with tears. He was actually looking into the smiling blue eyes that he had fallen in love with.

"Oh, he's a cutie." Dena smiles.

"He's beautiful." Tim whispers as he sniffs.

"We also need to remember that even though you and I were shot on the same night, we went into comas at different times. So a lot of these accidents could be within just a few days of each other." Jenika comments as she turns her attention back to her screen.

"That's true." Tim nods. "It all depends on when they slipped into a coma. Adam was shot six days ago. So he must not have been in a coma long for him to already be at home. It must not have been that bad.

"He may have only stayed in a coma for a day or two." Dena adds.

"So that means that Nate, Sami and Darrell's accidents would have happened within the past six days." Jenika says as she glances up from her computer.

"Adam's parents are Steven and Cindy Rupp." Tim smiles. "I need a Mankato phone book."

"I guess we need to make a trip to Mankato to find one." Jemika grins. "And then while we're at it, head to Minneapolis and find Rob and Kelsey. Since they miraculously survived the plane crash."

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Tim asks with a stunned look.

"Nope." Jenika giggles as she turns her computer around for Tim and his mom to see. "See the headlines? DOCTOR Robert Lundquist and wife return home."

"Holy sh*t! Rob is a f*cking doctor?" Tim laughs as he gives Jenika a high-five.


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