Chapter 26

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After Rob and Kelsey had left, Tim and Adam spent the whole afternoon in bed. Making love, talking about their past, making love, talking about their future, eating some snacks that they had brought with them and making out one final time before exhaustion overtakes them.

The area was so quiet. They were the only ones in their little community. Everyone else was still staying at the hotel. With no electricity, the place was in total darkness.

Tim had fallen into a deep sleep but Adam was a bit too nervous to sleep. He lays his head on Tim's chest so maybe the sound of his lover's heartbeat would calm him enough so he could get some sleep.

As Adam was just about to doze off, a sound reaches his ears. A sound that sent chills down his spine.

He found it hard to breathe as he listened. His heart felt as if it was going to beat out of his chest. Flashbacks flood his mind as he presses his body firmly against his sleeping lover.

"Tim?" Adam whispers in a shaky voice.

Tim jumps slightly and squeezes his eyes tightly shut as if he was having a bad dream. Sudden fear overtakes his mind. Something was wrong. Tim gasp as his eyes open wide. The fear he sensed was coming from Adam.

"Tim." Adam whispers again causing the brunette to quickly look around at him.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Tim asks as he wraps his arm around the blond.

"Shhhh. Listen." Adam says quietly.

Tim falls silent and listens intently. All he heard was sounds of the night. Crickets, owls, coyotes. He didn't hear anyone trying to break in or even footsteps outside on the rocky ground around their house. What had Adam so frightened?

"What am I supposed to be listening for?" Tim asks softly.

"That." Adam whimpers as he hears the sound again. He pulls himself even closer, if it was even possible, to his boyfriend.

"Are you talking about that howling?" Tim asks as he listens.

"Are those demon dogs? Did they follow us?" Adam asks as tears of fear fills his eyes.

"No, Sweetie. Those are coyotes." Tim answers as he kisses the blond on the forehead.

"Are you sure?" Adam asks, looking up at his boyfriend with a frightened look.

"Positive. Texas is full of them." Tim says. He reaches over on the nightstand and grabs the flashlight. "Come on, I'll show you."

"Are you nuts?" Adam asks as Tim takes his hand and pulls him up from the bed.

"A coyote won't attack a human being unless they are cornered or feel threatened. They're not like wolves." Tim says as he leads Adam out on the porch.

Tim shines his light around until he catches sight of some eyes. They were definitely coyotes.

"See. There they are." Tim says as he points at the eyes.

"I've never actually seen a real coyote before. They look like normal dogs." Adam says as he watches the animals run away.

"They're much smaller than wolves but they can still cause a lot of problems if you have chickens or even pets." Tim says.

"D*mn, that was scary." Adam says as he breathes a sigh of relief.

"You think you can go to sleep now?" Tim smiles as he kisses the blond on the temple.

"Most definitely. I'm exhausted." Adam answers as they head back inside.


Tim is awaken by a knock on the front door. The sun was already shining through the bedroom window.

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