Chapter 18

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"So what do you think they're saying?" Avi asks as they all sit in the shade of the ruins of one of the buildings and watches as Tim walks back and forth as he talks to Rob.

"I don't know." Adam chuckles. "He just now got on the phone, Avi."

"A little anxious are we, Avriel?" Jenika laughs.

"Maybe. I love this place. It's just right for us." Avi shrugs.

"So if Rob goes for it and buys this place for us, how are we going to decide on who gets what house?" Austin asks.

"We could always go by seniority." Chance suggests.

"Seniority?" Chris asks. "What seniority?"

"Whoever was in Dead Town the longest. Of course, Tim was first there so he should get the first choice. Adam, being his partner, would have to go with what Tim chooses. And then Jenika and so on." Chance explains.

"That would work." Avi nods.

"Sounds good to me." Chris nods in agreement.

"Shhh, he's coming." Avi says as he sees Tim walking across the sand and rocks toward them.

"Well..." Tim says as he sits down next to his lover on a concrete block that was on the ground. "Rob is flying out tomorrow to check the place out. He still hasn't gone back to work yet. I sent him the pictures that Sami took and he actually thinks it looks promising." 

"Really?! That's awesome!" Sami smiles.

"I told him that we couldn't get inside to check them out but he said the realtor should be able to let us in." Tim says.

"If we get the place, I think we should grow a lot of our own food. You know, have a big garden." Avi says as he looks around the property.

"How do you expect to have a garden in the middle of a desert?" Nate asks.

"A greenhouse and a lot of irrigation. My mom taught me a lot about gardening and canning." Avi replies.

"Well, if we get the place, that can be your job." Tim chuckles and pats the smaller man on the back.

"Cool!" Avi smiles. "I make the best Bread and Butter pickles that you will ever eat. And after trying my home-made spaghetti sauce, you will never want store bought again."

"You're making me hungry." Adam laughs.

"Me too." Tim laughs as he drapes his arm over his lover's shoulder. "What about going and checking out some of the restaurants in town?"

"Lead the way." Chris smiles. "The donut I had for breakfast is gone."

Without saying another word, they jump up from where they all had been sitting and run toward the vehicles.

"Okay? Maybe running in the desert with a hundred plus temperature was not the smartest thing to do." Tim laughs as he leans against his car trying to catch his breath as he wipes the sweat from his forehead.

"It is rather warm." Jenika giggles as she fans herself.

They load into the two vehicles and head back into Beatty.

Tim drives pass the Subway, Cracker Barrell and McDonald's. He wanted something different. Somewhere they had never eaten at before.

"Hey, there's a place." Adam points. "Mel's Diner. That sounds cool."

Tim turns into the parking lot with Austin following close behind.

"Well, kiss my grits." Austin says in his thick Georgian accent. "I wonder if Flo is working?"

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