Chapters 14

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"I'm exhausted." Tim mumbles as he knocks on the door to the Rays' house.

"Well, maybe you should have gotten some sleep instead of screwing." Austin chuckles.

"We're weren't screwing." Adam says.

"Oh, really? Then what were you doing?" Austin says as he crosses his arms over his chest. "If you weren't screwing then why is Timmy walking like that?"

"We were making love." Adam answers.

"Same thing." Austin laughs.

"No. It's not the same thing." Tim says. "But the bottom line is, it's really none of your business what we do in the privacy of our own room. Whether we're f*cking or making love."

"Excuse me?" A lady's voice interrupts.

Tim's jaw drops as the others begin to laugh.

"Oh, Sh*t! I mean, Oh, my God, Mam. I am so sorry." Tim says as his face turns bright red.

"That's quite alright." The lady laughs. "I guess I wasn't supposed to hear that conversation. Can I help you?"

"Uh, yes. Is Chance here?" Tim asks.

"He's resting. Who may I tell him is here?" The lady asks politely.

"I'm Tim. Hopefully, he'll remember me." Tim says.

"Tim? Oh, yes, he's only mentioned you a few hundred times. I thought he was just....." The lady stops.

"Hallucinating?" Adam says with a smile.

"Yeah, kinda. I mean, at first, it all just seemed too crazy. But the more he talked about Dead Town, I started to believe him. " The lady smiles. "I'm Kristi, Chance's mom. Please come in."

"Pleased to meet you. How's he doing? Is he alright?" Tim asks.

"He suffered some pretty bad burns on his back and some on his legs. But they said that he was going to be fine." Kristy answers. "The doctors did an amazing job. He's going to have very little scarring."

"That's great to hear." Tim says as they walk into the living room.

"Have a seat, I'll go tell him the visitors he's been expecting is here." Kristi says as she turns and heads down the hall.

"I wonder what she meant by that?" Jenika asks.

"He's been expecting us?" Austin responds with a questionable expression.

Everyone sits down except for Tim.

"Aren't you going to sit down?" Adam asks quietly.

"No, I'm fine." Tim says, shaking his head.

"What's wrong, Timmy? Adam get a little rough?" Austin says with a smirk.

"None of your d*mn business." Tim growls.

"We were so used to making love without any prep in Dead Town that we kinda forgot that we actually had bodies now and didn't prep." Adam answers.

"Holy cow! That had to hurt." Nate says.

"Well, that was a little too much information but now you know the reason why I'm standing." Tim chuckles.

"It's about time you guys showed up." Chance says as he walks into the room carrying his suitcases. He sets them down and grabs Tim into a hug. "God, I've missed you guys."

Tim looks at the others over Chance's shoulder, they all looked as confused as he was.

"You...You knew we were coming?" Tim asks as he and Chance pull apart from the hug.

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