Chapter 23

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The homes were slowly beginning to take shape. The contractors that Rob had hired for the renovation of the train station and guest house were also helping out with the other homes. Being local residents of Beatty, they were excited that the newcomers were bringing the old ghost town back to life and wanted to help out.

Rob had flown back to Minnesota for his doctor's appointment. He promised that he and Kelsey would return in a few days.

Tim, geared up with a dust mask and safety glasses, begins to patch the nail holes in the wall with plaster. They were preparing the walls so they could start painting.  

Adam had gotten a phone call from his dad and had stepped outside for better reception.

"Hey, Babe?" Adam calls, looking up at his boyfriend on a ladder.

"Humm?" Tim answers as he works on a small nail hole that he was repairing.

"Uh, I need to fly back to Minnesota tomorrow." Adam says as he looks down at his feet.

"What?" Tim asks, quickly looking down at his lover and notices Chris staying beside him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. It's just that my dad told me that mom was leaving today for church camp and will be gone for a week. I had told him that I was needing to come and get my car and my bedroom suite. He said this would be the perfect time to come." Adam explains. "He said that he had an extra trailer that I could have to load whatever I needed and I can pull it behind my car."

"I guess that would be for the best." Tim says as he climbs down from the ladder. "I guess this could wait until we get back."

"I was kinda wanting to go with him, Tim." Chris says. "I overheard him talking on the phone and I'd kinda like to go and meet my dad. Since the guys that Rob hired is helping, we're running way ahead of schedule."

"But I would like for you to wait about painting so I can help." Adam says.

"Well, okay." Tim says as he removes his mask and safety glasses. "This would be the best time to go with her being gone. I could take this time to fly back home to Nederland and get my truck and the rest of my things. But we need to go talk to the others and the contractors. I feel kinda guilty taking off. Especially since the contractors are being nice and helping us out."

Adam and Chris follow Tim to gather everyone together. Tim explains the situation. Everyone was very understanding.

"Don't worry about a thing, Mr. Foust." The head contractor says with a smile and shakes Tim's hand before heading back to work.

"Chance, the rooms are paid for but you guys will need money to eat on, gas or whatever." Tim says as he pulls out his wallet. He hands the bearded man a hand full of one hundred dollar bills from the stash that Rob had given them in Minnesota. "I'll try not to be gone long."

"Don't worry about a thing, Tim." Chance says as he puts the money in his wallet. "We'll handle things here. Spend time with your family."


The next morning, Austin and Olena drives Tim, Adam and Chris to the airport in Vegas. Tim had a flight booked for Texas and Adam and Chris had one for Minnesota. Mr. Rupp would be picking his sons up at the airport and Dena would be picking Tim up.

"Tell your mom that I said hi and can't wait for her to come and visit our new home." Adam says as he slides his arms around Tim's neck before they go their separate ways.

"I will and you tell your dad that he's welcome anytime." Tim says before kissing his lover softly. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too." Adam pouts. "I'll call you tonight."

"Adam, we need to go. Our plane is boarding." Chris says.

"I love you." Tim whispers giving his lover another quick kiss. "You guys have fun."

"We will. I love you too." Adam smiles before being pulled away by his older brother.

"BE CAREFUL COMING HOME!" Tim calls out to them before hearing his flight being called.


"Good heavens." Jenika says as she steps inside the caboose to check on Avi. "It's like an oven in here."

"You telling me?" Avi says, looking up from where he was sitting on the floor. His hair and clothes were drenched in sweat.

"Honey, you can't stay here. You'll have a heat stroke." Jenika says as she sits down beside him and hands him a bottle of water.

"Where else am I supposed to go. All the other places are claimed." Avi says after drinking half of the water.

"You can stay with me in the brothel. There's plenty of room." Jenika says. "Besides, truthfully? I'm a little scared to stay by myself."

"I can't imagine you being scared of anything." Avi chuckles.

"Oh? You don't recall me screaming like a school girl over a snake that turned out to be a leather scrap?" Jenika laughs.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that." Avi laughs as he wipes the sweat from his face.

"Honey, I'm sorry that Kevin wasn't able to come." Jenika says, suddenly becoming serious.

"Yeah, well. No big deal." Avi shrugs. "I sorry that Darrell turned out to be such a big asshole."

"You're right about that." Jenika laughs as she lays her head over on Avi's shoulder. "So what do you say? Will you be my roommate?"

"Are you going to try and seduce me if I do?" Avi asks with a raised brow.

"Maybe." Jenika giggles. 

"Okay, you talked me into it." Avi answers quickly with a chuckle and kisses the blonde on the forehead. "I'll be your roomy."

"Great. Let's get out of this oven." Jenika says as she stands and holds her hand down to Avi.

"I pretty much have it all cleaned up. Doesn't really need any repair." Jenika says as they walk toward the small brothel. "I do need to repair some of the screens over the window and the front door to keep unwanted pest out."

"That shouldn't be hard to fix. They bought a huge roll of screen to fix all the windows." Avi says as they walk into the small building. "I have furniture back home if you don't have any."

"Actually, I don't have anything. I didn't ask for anything in the divorce. I just wanted out and wanted out as quickly as possible." Jenika says. "I do have a car. It's at my brother's house in the garage."

"You should have gone with Tim back to Texas to get it." Avi says as he examines the screens on the windows.

"I thought about it but I'm not sure how Adam deals with jealousy." Jenika smiles.

"He seems to be dealing with it pretty well. I mean, he knows Tim has slept with just about every one of us and doesn't seem to hold any grudges. Besides, he has the mayor wrapped around his little finger." Avi chuckles.

"I know that and you know that but does he know that." Jenika says. "Tim was almost losing his mind trying to find Adam."

"And they've been inseparable ever since until now. Guarantee, they won't be gone long." Avi says as he begins to remove the torn screens.


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