Chapter 15

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"Where the hell are we? Nowhere, Nevada?" Tim asks as he turns onto a small road that was partially covered with blown sand. It was obvious that this road had not been used in quite some time.

"Is this thing even working?" Adam asks as he hits the dashboard above the GPS.

"Just see where this road leads. It's got to lead somewhere." Chance says as he observes the landscaping. 

"Yeah, maybe to our death out in the middle of this desert." Tim says with a light chuckle.

"It's beautiful though." Sami says as she pulls out her camera and begins to take pictures.

"Wait! Was that a sign?" Adam asks.

"Where, Babe? I haven't seen anything but sand, cactus and mountains." Tim says.

"It was laying on the ground back there." Adam replies.

Tim stops and puts the car into reverse and begins to slowly back up.

"Stop. There it is." Adam says.

Tim and Adam get out of the car to check out what Adam had seen on the side of the road. They uncover an old wooden sign.

"Rhyolite." Tim reads. "Is that a town?"

"Hold on a second and I'll see." Chance says as he pulls out his phone. "Says here that it's an old abandoned mining town."

"Cool. Let's go check it out." Adam smiles as he heads back to the car.

"Could be interesting." Tim nods as he throws the sign back on the ground.

Tim stops the car and they all sit in silence as they stare at the view in front of them. Tim looks around at Adam. They both quickly get out of the car.

Several abandoned buildings, an old caboose, and what looks like an old train station was laid out before them. The four walks through the sand covered streets.

"You know, I know these old buildings need a lot of repairs but I think we could make this work." Tim says as he peeks inside a small two-room building. "I wonder if it's for sale."

"Are you serious?" Adam asks with a hopeful smile.

"From what I've seen though, Tim, some of them doesn't even have room for a kitchen much less a bathroom." Chance says.

"Well, there are approximately six or seven buildings left standing plus that caboose and this old train station." Tim says as he leads the way to the much larger building. "I'm seeing a six bedroom house with a massive kitchen, dining room and shower with maybe even a laundry room."

"Okay, you've lost me. What are you talking about?" Chance asks. "I think the sun has already gotten to you."

"Hear me out, Chance. Each couple can claim a house for their own privacy. Kinda like a bedroom. This old train station is big enough for everything else." Tim says with a shrug.

"Sounds crazy but I like it." Adam nods.

"Me too and it's actually beautiful with the mountains around." Sami says.

"But what about power and water?" Chance asks.

"There are powers lines." Tim says as he points to some utility poles. "But actually the only building that needs power would be the train station. The other buildings are small enough that I believe generators could run whatever you need. There may be water too. If not, we can have a well dug."

"You've got it already planned out don't you, Mayor Tim?" Chance chuckles as he pats Tim on the back.

"Well, there's still the fact that we don't even know if it's for sale or not. Or even if the others are going to like it." Tim says with a sigh.

"It's got my vote." Adam says as he wipes the sweat from his forehead.

"Mine too." Sami says with a nod.

"If you think we can make it work, then I'm all for it. Those mountains are awesome." Chance says.

Tim stops to take some pictures on his phone of some of the buildings so he could send to Rob later.

"But, first things first. We need to go to Boulder and find Chris. Hopefully, he'll come with us. On our way back, we'll call Austin and the others and have them meet us in the nearest town. And we'll bring them out here to get their opinion." Tim says as they head back to the car. "If they like it then I'll call Rob. He'll know more about finding out the info we need. If it's not for sale, we'll just keep looking."

"I already have my hopes up." Adam chuckles.

"Actually, I do too." Tim smiles as they pull back out onto the highway.

A couple of miles down the road they see a city limit sign.

"What does the sign say, Babe?" Tim asks. Tim was not wearing his glasses so the sign was quite blurred.

"Beatty City Limits". Adam says.

"That's cool that this town is so close to where we are checking out." Chance says. "What was it, only about four or five miles?"

"About four." Tim nods. "This is where we can tell the others to meet us."

"To be a small town, they still have a lot." Sami says. "There's even a casino. Awesome."

"Maybe some of us can find jobs here. That is IF we're able to get the place." Tim says.

They stopped in town for a bite to eat before getting back on the road. Chance takes his turn driving. Tim and Adam relax in the back seat. Tim takes a short nap with his head laying over on Adam's shoulder. Adam is on his phone searching for an address for Chris.

"Oh, my God." Adam says as he stares at his phone.

"What?" Tim groans as he raises up and yawns.

"Honey, I found a phone number for Christopher Steven Baker." Adam smiles as he looks around at his lover.

"Are you going to call him?" Sami asks as she looks between the seats at the two men.

"Think I should?" Adam asks as he looks around at Tim.

"Sure." Tim answers with a shrug.

Adam grins as he quickly dials the number. His eyes lock with Tim's as the phone rings.

(phone conversation)

C- Hello?
A- Is this Chris?
C- Yes, it is.
A- Uh, Chris, this is Adam.
A- Hello?
C- Adam as in Dead Town Adam?
A- Yes.
A- No, you're not crazy. 
C- How are you doing? Are the others with you? Where the hell are you? God, I can't believe this. I just couldn't get you guys off my mind.
A- I'm fine. So far we've found everyone but Avi. Jenika, Austin, Olena and Nate are in California looking for him. We're on our way to Boulder as I speak.
C- You found Nate??!! How is he? And who's we?
A- Yeah, we picked Nate up when we came through Nashville and he's fine. We are Tim, Chance, Sami and myself. Any more questions?
C- Yeah, so what are you guys planning?
A- We plan on finding somewhere to live so we can all be together.
C- Wait. You said you were headed to Boulder?
A- Yep.
C- Where are you now? Do I have time to pack?
A- We just crossed into Colorado so it will still be a few hours before we get to Boulder so you have plenty of time to pack. (smiles at Tim. Tim winks at his lover)
C- Do you have my address?
A- Yeah, we have it.
C- Great. Okay, I have a lot to do so I see you guys in a few hours.
A- See you in a few.

"Oh, my God!!" Adam shouts as he grabs Tim into a hug. "This is awesome. He'll be waiting for us!!"

"Now, if we could only find....." Tim stops as his phone begins to vibrate in his pocket. He pulls it out and sees an incoming call from an unknown number. "Huh." He says as he shrugs and puts the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Tim answers as he looks around at Adam.

"I'm totally disappointed that you didn't come to find me personally." Avi laughs.


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