Chapter 27

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"D*mn, Tim is going to be pissed.' Adam thinks to himself as he looks down at the shopping cart. 

Kelsey was loading it with everything and anything that she thought the couple would need. Dishes, silverware, coffee mugs, blinds and curtains for each window, bedding, water, snacks, beer, soft drinks, and that is just to name a few of the things that he sees in the cart.

"Let's see.." Kelsey says as she checks over her list. "We still have to get you guys a small refrigerator, table, and chairs, and you mentioned a bookshelf."

"Shouldn't Tim be here to help pick out any furniture?" Adam asks. He was really getting tired. It had been an all shopping trip and he was exhausted.

"Nonsense. Tim will love anything that you pick out." She replies as they head to the counter to check out.

Adam's eyes widen in horror as he sees the total. Yep, Tim was definitely going to kill him for sure. He reaches into his back pocket for his wallet. Tim had given him the credit card but added 'Go easy on it'.

"Put that away. I got this." Kelsey says as she hands the cashier her card.

Honestly? Adam was quite relieved but knew it was polite to argue.

"Kelsey, you don't have to do this." Adam says as he quickly puts his wallet away.

"You guys are going to need that to live on until you find jobs." Kelsey states as they head for Tim's truck.

Putting the stuff in the back seat, Adam climbs into the driver's seat.

"Are we done?" Adam asks, hoping that 'yes' was the answer.

"Nope." Kelsey giggles. "We still need a few things from that furniture store that we saw as we were coming into town."

"Oh, alright." Adam nods as he pulls out of the parking lot. God, he hated shopping!

Before leaving their house, Kelsey had taken a picture of the couch that Dena had given Tim. They definitely needed a love seat to match. 

"Kelsey, we already have a couch." Adam says as he sees Kelsey heading in the direction of the living room suits.

"I know, but you need a love seat to match." Kelsey says.

"But our living room ain't that big." Adam says with a slight roll of his eyes as he follows behind her.

"Okay, then. A recliner." She replies as she tries to match one with the color of the couch.

"Can I help you find something?" An employee asks.

"Yes, I need a recliner that would go good with this couch." Kelsey says as she shows the employee the picture.

Adam shakes his head. He knew he was fighting a losing battle with Kelsey. He figured the least he could do was go pick out a small refrigerator. If he left it up to her, she would pick out the biggest and most expensive one that the store had and they didn't need it.

"Kel, I'm going to go look at the refrigerators." Adam tells her before walking away.

After picking out the perfect recliner to match the couch, Kelsey joins Adam over in the appliance department. Adam was looking at a very small apartment size fridge. The kind that you might find in a hotel room. Kelsey would prefer a larger one but she did agree that since their meals would be at the train station that a small one would be all they would need.

Adam was surprised that Kelsey agreed on the one that he picked out.

"Tim mentioned something about needing a bookshelf." Kelsey says as they walk through the store.

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