Chapter 20

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Rob goes into the realtor office with Mr. Douglas, while the others pace back and forth in front of the building.

Tim leans against the car as he watches the others nervously awaiting Rob's final decision. Adam couldn't help but notice a slight smile on his lover's lips.

"You know, don't you?" Adam whispers. "You know what Rob has decided about the property."

"What makes you think that?" Tim asks quietly with a smirk on his face as he continues to watch the others.

"Don't think that I've forgotten that you can hear people's thoughts. Your whole attitude changed while we were out at the property." Adam says. "You know."

"Well, let's just say that you can probably start picking out curtains for our new home." Tim says with a smile.

"Oh, my God! This is really happening?" Adam says as his eyes widen with excitement.

"Shhh." Tim quietens him before the others overheard him. " I don't want to spoil the surprise."

"You know you get first to pick of the houses, right?" Adam tells him.

"And why's that?" Tim asks. He had been so busy channeling into Rob's thoughts that he was unaware of the others' conversation.

"We all decided that we would go by seniority of who was in Dead Town the longest. You were first and then Jenika and so on." Adam says.

"I think I know which one I want." Tim says as he looks away from Adam to keep him from seeing him smile. He actually liked the brown house that they looked at but knew that Adam really liked the weird house made of bottles.

"Cool." Adam says in a somewhat sad tone. He had his heart set on the bottle house but could tell that Tim liked the brown house. The brown house was okay but the bottle house just stood out to him.

They all stop what they were doing when the door of the realtor opens. Rob and Mr. Douglas shake hands before the realtor goes back inside.

The group anxiously waits on the decision.

"WE GOT IT!!" Rob announces as he waves the deed into the air.

The gang celebrated in the street with cheers, hugs and high-fives.

"Now what?" Tim asks as he held Adam close to his side.

"We need to go to the electric company and the water department. I'm sure they will have to send crews out to check everything." Rob says.

"We really appreciate you doing this, Rob." Tim says as he hugs his bearded friend. "You know you didn't have to."

"As I said, Mayor, I love a challenge." Rob smiles. "I actually got the land at a very good price. The price of the property had already been reduced and I actually was able to get it even cheaper. It was a steal."

They head over to the water department and the electric company to get things started.

They decided that the train station was the first priority for water and electricity. The houses could be run by generators. But the wiring would have to be checked. Each person would be responsible for electricity for the home they choose.

After taking care of business, they stop by Mel's Diner for a quick bite before heading back to their property. There was a very important decision to be made. Who would get which house?

"Man!! I can't believe this place is ours." Avi shakes his head as they get out of the vehicles.

"This is going to be so awesome." Jenika says.

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