Chapter 9

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"Would you all like something to drink?" Rob asks after the hugging was finished. "We do have beer." He chuckles.

"Sure, a beer would be nice." Tim nods with a smile.

"Same." Jenika nods.

"Tea for me." Adam smiles at the maid.

"Y'all have a seat." Rob says. He couldn't stop staring at the three visitors. Had he dozed off and was dreaming again?

"No, you're not dreaming." Tim says with a smile as he sits down next to Adam, taking him by the hand. "We're really here."

"We apologize for the shock faces, Tim. But we had convinced ourselves that it was just a dream or hallucinations." Kelsey says.

"That's what I was trying to convince myself too. My mom pretty much had told me that I must have had a mental breakdown and that I needed to be checked into a mental institution." Adam says. "But then these two shows up on my doorstep."

"So what happened? Adam had told me that he remembered hearing about the plane crash and that there were no survivors." Tim says.

"Well, after they found about eighty-five percent of the passengers and crew, the search turned cold and they called it off thinking that the sharks got the rest. Somehow, Kelsey and I managed to crawl on a piece of wreckage and floated for about three days until a fishing boat found us." Rob said. "My mom said that we were both near death when they found us."

"It's amazing that the two of you even survived." Jenika says. 

"I don't even remember crawling on the piece of wreckage." Kelsey says, shaking her head. 

"I don't either, really. It's all just a blur. My leg was broken in a couple of places and Kelsey's arm was broken." Rob says. "So how did we manage to even survive?"

"And what about you, Tim? How did you manage to survive a bullet to the brain?" Kelsey asks.

"Luckily it didn't hit anything important. The bullet lodged in a small cavity in the frontal lobe of my brain. Other than being plagued with bad headaches, I'm fine." Tim answers.

"I think it's a miracle that any of us survived but what about the others? Some of their accidents were pretty severe." Rob says. "Like Avi, Chance and Kevin? Just how could they have lived through that?"

"Well, most people who are shot in the head don't live to talk about it. Or live through a horrendous plane crash in the ocean, float for three days without food or water and live to talk about it." Adam replies.

"I believe that the ones who stepped through the portal the same time we did, survived. I'm hoping that Avi and Kevin made it through too." Tim says. "But Nate's sister, Scott and Mitch and the others that the demons got, didn't."

"That makes sense." Rob nods.

"Tim's mom is doing research for us. She was able to find Austin. So we're headed to Georgia next." Jenika says.

"And then what?" Rob asks as he turns his attention to Tim.

"I don't know. I just knew I had to find you guys. Maybe to prove to myself and to you that you're not crazy. The thoughts I had of Adam was literally driving me insane. I just had to find him." Tim says as he squeezes Adam's hand.

"So, Adam, are you staying with Tim or are you going back home?" Kelsey asks.

"My home is with Tim." Adam answers with a smile as he leans into his lover.

"Wouldn't it be cool to find an old deserted town or even an old hotel somewhere for us all to live in?" Jenika giggles.

"Sorry, but you'd have to count us out as residents." Rob says, shaking his head.

"I kinda figured that." Tim says as he looks around at the property. "Just how rich are you?" He chuckles.

"Hey, Kelsey and I worked our asses off to have what we got." Rob smiles. "I love my job. I have patients that need me. Kelsey is a first-grade teacher and she loves the kids. We're happy."

"I left Mankato for two reasons. I left because I wanted to be with Tim. I love him so much. He's my life. And the second reason was my mom was fixing to have me committed." Adam says with a smile.

"I'm here because I don't have anybody but these guys. I have a brother but he has his own life. These guys are my family now." Jenika says.

"My life is here. But I do want to stay in touch with you guys." Rob says.

"Of course. And who knows what the future holds. All of this happened for a reason." Tim says. "I'm just not sure what it is."

Rob wasn't sure how Tim, Adam and Jenika were set, financially. He knew they had a lot of traveling to do which meant hotels, gas and food. He insisted on giving them money. A whopping amount of fifteen thousand which he had in a safe inside the house. Tim declined the offer but Rob insisted. It was his and Kelsey's way of helping them find the others.

He even told them that if they ever find that old town or hotel that they were looking for to let him know and he would 'hook them up'.

Kelsey insisted that they stay and eat with them which they gladly accepted. They walk into the dining room and see a table long enough to sit all the Waltons plus a few of the Brady kids. The table was lined with food.

"Holy sh*t." Tim chuckles as he eyes the long table.

"We only use this dining room when we have family or guests over." Rob laughs. "Have a seat."

It had been a few hours since the trio had eaten. Tim and Adam filled their plates twice.

"So where did you say you were headed next?" Rob asks as the servants removed the dirty dishes.

"Tipton, Georgia. That's where Austin is. And mom is looking for information on Chance who lives in Mobile, Alabama." Tim answers. "She's also looking for anything on Kevin in Louisville, Kentucky. If she finds anything, hopefully, that means that he and Avi both were able to get out. She hasn't been able to find anything on Nate yet. He lives in Nashville."

"Then we head out to California and Oklahoma." Jenika adds.

"Avi, Sami, Darrell and hopefully Olena is in California and Chris is in Oklahoma." Adam says. "Speaking of Chris. I just found out that he is my half-brother."

"What? Are you serious?" Rob asks.

"Yeah, it's a long story but neither of us knew about the other." Adam smiles.

"That's amazing." Kelsey says as she gives Adam a hug. "I'm so happy for you."

"Well, guys, we need to get on the road." Tim says as he stands from the table. "We got a lot of miles ahead of us."

It takes another twenty minutes for goodbyes to be said, phone numbers to be swapped, and bathroom usages before they load back into the car.

They leave Minneapolis with a briefcase full of money and with a promise of keeping in touch. Rob wanted constant updates on the others.


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