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Tammy's POV

"Is this even edible!? For Pete's sake, it tastes awful!!" Devian shouted as he threw the dish I cooked for his lunch. I don't really know what's wrong with my dish. I used to study in culinary before I shift my course to help my family's company. He used to tell me that all of my dishes are the most delicious meal he ever tasted.

My eyes started to water as I watch all the love and hard works I put in that dish for him to throw on the ground.

"You've never done anything good did you?" He said as he came up to me and strangle me. I couldn't breathe!

"D-Devian, please. You're hurting me.." I pleaded.

"It's not enough. Taylor Marie Johnson. Or should I say, Mrs. Forde? You liked that don't you?" He said with full of rage and sarcasm. Still strangling me. I'm sure I looked pale.

"P-please Dev I-I can't breathe." I hardly said. He smirked.

"How many times should I tell you not to call me by my name when we're at home and no family of us is around?!" He shouted at me and slapped me as hard as you can imagine.

"I'm- I'm sorry S-Sir. T-That won't happen again." I responded feeling dizzy.

"You better be sorry for what you've done." He then let go of me, leaving me on the floor.

I gasped for air. Breathing like my life will lose at any moment in time. Sometimes I'm having a hard time breathing, my chest would feel so much pain. Sometimes water can ease up the pain but most of the time it doesn't.

"Clean the house you idiot, stupid, whore-slut wife of mine! Clean everything. Throw the garbage, or throw yourself out. You look like garbage anyways." He shouted sarcastically and went out of the house.

As I hear the noise of his car fading away. I collected myself and hugged my legs as tight as I could. Silently sobbing in this big house where I'm always left alone.

It's alright. I'm going to be alright, it's my fault after all. So I should be the one paying for it. Call me a masochist or martyr It's fine. I am the one to blame on why he turned out like that.

After hours of crying. I washed my face and smiled sweetly at myself in the mirror. This is the first time I notice the changes in me. I got thinner, my eyes become hollow, my face. It looked different. Before. I was sexy, gorgeous and etc. I'm not boasting about myself. But the people around me always told me those things.

I looked at the left side and saw the calendar. It's been months since I last see the outside world. I'm not kidding, the last time I was outside this house is when my Brother Josh had his 32nd birthday. I remember concealing every bruise I got from my husband.

I don't want everyone to know what's happening to me inside this house. I always told them the opposite. I made up a lot of stories. Such a liar.

I turn my back and started to clean up the mess earlier. I don't have enough time to take care of myself or to heal my bruises and wounds. I started to sweep the floor in this house. It took me 2 hours to sweep and another 2 hours to mop the floor.

I finished cleaning the house at 3:30 pm. I started cooking dinner, his dinner. I cooked his favorite pesto pasta and loin steak. I prepared the table as nothing happened earlier.

5 PM. I hear his car parked at the garage. He's early today, I thought the dinner I made would end up at the trash again. He doesn't want me to eat something I cooked for his even though he didn't touch it. So it ends up in the trash, but sometimes I eat half of it and throw the other half for him to think that I didn't eat it.

"Good evening S-Sir-- and Ma'am." They looked at me. I'm not shocked at all. He always brings girls here. Every time he is early.

I placed another plate and put the pasta and steak I hide for myself for his girl to eat.

Maybe I don't need to eat dinner today. I thought to myself positively.

"Who is this girl babe?" Said the girl. I am his wife you slut.

"Nothing babe. She's just my maid." He said that gives a pang in my chest.

"Ma'am, Sir. Eat your dinner, please. Call me if you need anything." I plastered a sweet smile. The girl smiled and started to eat. She even complimented me for the dish. I smiled.

Smiling is easy for me to hide my feelings.

After they eat dinner. There comes the other part where they would be going to the guest room to do god knows what. My ears are tired of hearing their moans. So after I cleaned their plates.

I went to my room and started to cry in the shower. It's already at 7 pm. I should start working.

After I did my night routine. I started to work at my desk in my room. I don't have to go to the office because my brother Rosh is already there to manage stuff and deliver here the papers and contracts that I should work on.

I read and signed the last paper for today and stretched my arms. 3 am, said the clock. So I stand up and lay at my bed to sleep.

I still need to prepare him breakfast at 5 am though.

Today is not so tiring day after all. Compared last week. This day is just fine.

To be continued~

So what do you think guys?? Tammy is short for Taylor Marie. She is the only daughter of Joseph and Rachel. Thank you for reading! Till next Update 😃


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