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Troye Marcus' POV

Stalking is a crime. That's what I know. But I can't help it, it's like there's something about me that wants to know everything that's happening to her.

It all started on the first day of college, I just shifted from medical technology to business. We had the same course, and she is the most beautiful girl I've had laid my eyes on. The first time I laid my eyes on her, I knew I had to protect her.

"So how did it start?" Chloe asked.

"Hmmm.." I started. And then smiled at the thought of reminiscing the great past.


It's my first day at this university today, although the classes had already started last week. I always wanted to be a chef. Since I was in grade school it is my dream to have a restaurant of my own. But right now I'm taking up a business to help my family. I just shifted my course of being a medical technologist which is what my mom wanted. I had to take up business because my dad can't handle the company any further.

I was wearing an off white polo shirt and black slacks.

I fixed my glasses and breathe out before moving.

As I walked inside the university I saw a lot of students walking around but there's one person that caught my attention It was the girl in a white floral dress with a maroon cardigan covering her shoulders to keep her warm. She is not walking pass by me. Like any other scene in some stories. And I know for sure we won't bump into each other. Because the moment I saw her she was hysterically fixing her things. She was late than her usual is what I've thought even though she still has 30 mins before all the class starts.

As a gentleman of my own, I quickly ran over her to help but someone already did the job for me.

I was a little upset when I missed out on helping her.

But that day. I promised my self that I would find her and stay by her side through her ups and downs.

I walked inside the classroom as the teacher told me to 'tell something' about me.

So I did.

"I'm Troye Marcus Flynn. I'm originally from Atlanta. But we are now staying here for good. I would like to be friends with you if you also wanted to. So yeah. that's me." I said and fixed my glasses.

"Boring.." I heard someone said.

"Nerd alert.." someone added

"Are you in grade school or something?" Someone asked. I looked down.

"Stop it, everyone. Give him a chance, he's a new student here, give him some respect." I heard someone said. When I looked up.

I saw her. The girl in a white floral dress. The girl that caught my attention.

I thanked God for that because he didn't make it hard for me to find the beautiful girl in a floral dress.

"Mr. Flynn?"

"Mr. Flynn??"

"Mr. Fl---" I cut off the teacher.

"Y-yes ma'am?" I asked.

"I said. You may take your seat. Beside ms. Johnson." She said. I looked at the crowd and saw the girl raised her right hand and waved. I smiled and make my way to her.

He Was Never Mine [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now