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Chloe's POV

Tammy told me what happen to her since day one. And I couldn't contain it. It's hard for her to live this way!

How can she put up with their set up? Yes, I know that she loves Devian more than herself but she has to love herself more.

Every single day is hell! She's the most martyr woman I could've known.

"So please Chloe. Don't tell anyone what I told you.." she said. Her eyes are pleading.

"I'm your best friend and you're telling not to take action? It's been four years since you and he got married. Don't tell me he'd been hurting you since then!?" I yelled. She doesn't utter a word.

"That's it. I'm going to tell it about your father." I said finally and get my phone.

But she took it from me.

"Chloe please I'm begging you. Don't call my Dad. And don't tell anyone about it. I've been doing this for four years and I won't stop until he forgives me." I said.

"Forgive you!? We all know that you've done nothing wrong. It's just him who doesn't have a huge brain to think what is the right from the wrong." I said.

"it's the only choice I had back then for him to marry me! I can't stand seeing him get hurt by Lauren who's cheating on him! Call me stupid but I'd rather get hurt by Devian than see him get hurt by someone who doesn't deserve his tears!" She cried.

"So you think your decision is right? Didn't you think he's hurting every single day of his life while thinking that the love of his life left him for no reason and put all the blame on you!? We both know that Lauren never really loved him right? It's just that bitch can't take the fact that you caught her cheating and she's dumb enough not to deny it, then put the blame on you! If she was here I would've strangled her to death!" I retorted.

"And you think he deserves your tears!?" I added. Emphasizing the word. 'Your'

"Just let me handle this Chloe. If I think that he's ready to know the truth then I'll tell him. But not now Chloe. Not now. I don't want to see him cry. So I'm trying my best to keep the secret to myself." She said sobbing.

I do really know what happen back then. Of course, I'm with her when Devian puts the blame on her. That effin bastard!! Argh!


I'm at Tammy's office at MACE. I just feel like visiting her.

"Hi, Tams!" I greeted her. She seems so sad these days. Like something is bothering her.

"Hey! What's up? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Oh I'm just visiting---" I said when someone opens the door angrily!

"Ma'am I tried to stop him but he's strong." Her secretary said.

"It's okay. Let him." She said and her secretary leaves after she nodded.

"Really Taylor!? Is this why you've been avoiding me since the last months in college!? Because you asked your dad for us to be engaged!?" He asked. Like he doesn't know I'm here.

"What? Who told you that?" Tammy asked calmly.

"You know Lauren and I were engaged! And we're having a kid already!" He continued. Not answering Tammy's question.

"I-I don't. I don't know.. are you sure it's yours?" she replied.

"If Lauren hasn't told me the news then I wouldn't have known it till now!! When are you planning to tell me!? When it's already the wedding day!?" He said

"I-I, W-We can cancel it.." Tammy said.

"Hah! You think it's that easy!? My father left me with no choice!!" He said.

"T-Tell him about the kid" she suggested. I know Tams is already breaking inside. But with her kindness, she can't stand seeing a kid without a parent.

"No need. Lauren left me. She left me a note earlier she's never coming back. She asked me to choose you. That my life would be better with you because you love me. But I don't believe that. And it's all your fault, everything is your fault." He said as tears escaped his eyes. He immediately wiped it and looked at her.

"We're going to get married. And I will make your life miserable." He said as he walked out of the room.

Tammy slowly sat at her swivel chair. She's crying. I know she's hurting.

"Tams. What happen?" I asked.

She told me everything she knew.

That she agreed to get married to Devian because she knows that Lauren is cheating on him. With someone from the varsity team back in college. She knew who it is. She just won't tell me. She also knew where Lauren possibly is but she said she won't tell Devian about it until he recovers from this break.

End of flashback~~~

"Please. Just give me another chance Chloe. Don't tell anyone." She pleaded

"Fine. I get it. You don't want him to know. But promise me that if I ever saw you in this state or much worse than all of these bruises, believe me. I'm going to sue him! And I'll be your own lawyer myself!" I said. She looked down.

"I promise."

"To make everything sure. I'll arrange your divorce papers myself, all you had to do is to sign is and we'll make Devian sign it. You need to have time for yourself, you were not born to be his slave. I'm really disappointed with whatever Devian has done to you, he treated you like his own sister before. We've witnessed how he protected you that's why I thought that he still have care for you regardless of what happened, it turns out that he doesn't. He changed, but it's not for the better." I said. Tammy looked down.

"I'm really sorry Chloe for worrying you. But please give me time." She said.

To be continued~~


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